hadeutscher / OvercookedTool

Overcooked 2 savegame conversion tool
45 stars 8 forks source link

GOG Migration with Offline Mode #3

Closed LinnielDW closed 3 years ago

LinnielDW commented 3 years ago

Tool cannot migrate from GOG to steam if you save while played it in offline mode.

I decompiled the overcooked2 source code and had a look around. It uses SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier as the encryption pw if it cannot find it. I created a local unity project to find out what mine was, but this can be automated.

Proposal to decrypt file using SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier if argument not found.

hadeutscher commented 3 years ago

Are you sure it doesn't appear in the savegame path in AppData similar to Steam/GOG ID? How big of a deal is it to link against Unity SDK (like, is this a Nuget package or do you need to install it separately)?

LinnielDW commented 3 years ago

Instead of the path \Overcooked2\*.save I found mine was saved in \Overcooked2*.save. At work right now so I can't give you the exact method call, but from what I saw of the decompiled source, this happens when the userInstance.signedIn != true. I don't know how this happened. Was just trying to get migrate my gf's save file after I picking up OC2 gourmet edition on steam due to the sale.

SystemInfo is part of the UnityEngine package but when I tried running it from VS using the Unity Nuget package I got an ECalls forbidden error. Didn't take a look further into it, figured I missed some kind of config. So I just booted up Unity and ran the same method from there in a blank scene.

hadeutscher commented 3 years ago

well, if it doesn't link smoothely I'd rather have it as a different tool, do you wanna create one and I'll link it from the readme?

LinnielDW commented 3 years ago

Sure thing. Threw together a little applet, repo here: https://github.com/LinnielDW/UnityDeviceUniqueIdentifierHarness

hadeutscher commented 3 years ago
