hadley / r4ds

R for data science: a book
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Translation of R4DS 2ed in Portuguese #955

Open beatrizmilz opened 3 years ago

beatrizmilz commented 3 years ago

Hi Hadley! I meant to send this on Twitter but I can't send you DM's. Let me know if there is a better place to send this message other than an GitHub issue.

Are there any plans for the translations for the 2nd edition yet? https://r4ds.hadley.nz/

I would like to know if there is a chance that this edition could be translated to Brazilian Portuguese by the community (when the book is ready). The first edition was translated by Alta Books, but there are some downsides on this version:

I'm part of the group that translated the datasets used in the book to Brazilian Portuguese: https://cienciadedatos.github.io/dados/ . This group (and more people) are really interested in helping to translate to Portuguese in a way that the book could be available for free online, in a similar way that the community translated to Spanish (@rivaquiroga <3) .

Let me know what are your thoughts, and thank you so much for your attention.

hsvab commented 3 years ago

It would be a great initiative to have the book available in pt-br free and online - it would make a huge difference in access to the material in Brazil, considering that books here are too expensive for the population in general. And I am willing to help @beatrizmilz on this journey in case you decide to give the Brazilian community this opportunity :-)

jeanprado commented 3 years ago

i vouch for this initiative and I'm willing to help with the transition as well! it would be so valuable for our community to have this amazing reference for our r4ds study widely available in the same format the english and spanish version are

hadley commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately O'Reilly owns the translation rights, and there's not much I can do about the first edition. However, I can see if they might be open to a community translation for the second edition.

mcaines commented 2 years ago

I use R4DS in the courses I teach at University of New Haven. Sometimes, when it could be helpful, I help students in accessing the book in their native language--like this (for Portuguese) : R4DS in Portuguese .

The feedback I've gotten is that Google Translate does a very good translation for ESL students. Many students have said: "Google puts a majority of the book in my native language, and my fluency in English helps me understand the rest."

Generating these Google Translate links is rather easy. Just go to https://translate.google.com/, paste the weblink in the input pane, select the language from the output pane, and then click on the output link.

Hope this helps.

beatrizmilz commented 2 years ago

Thanks @hadley !

Hi @mcaines ! I think your suggestion is not the best solution. The translated version by Google has a lot mistakes (including names of packages, important concepts and so on). Also, if the book is translated (for real, not by google translation) the graphs can be made using the traslated datasets (which we already did with the package {dados}, and have axes and legends in Portuguese aswell. The package {dados} was developed with the contribution of the team that made the Spanish translation of the book.

mcaines commented 2 years ago


My suggestion was meant as an interim solution for ESL students. If you'd rather wait to provide assistance to students who use this book until it is translated into their native language, you may certainly do so. However, pairing the Google translate link with a cautionary note would get at least something that may help your learners. If it doesn't help them, they can simply not use it, no?

hadley commented 2 years ago

I have confirmed with O'Reilly that we can do a community translation of the 2nd edition 😄

HektorDannyel commented 2 years ago

@hadley That's super awesome! Let's make it happen, folks.

rivaquiroga commented 2 years ago

This is great news!! 🍸

beatrizmilz commented 2 years ago

Such great news! Thanks @hadley for taking the time and considering this possibility!

@rivaquiroga I think it will be very helpfull to know more about how team that translated the Spanish version was organized. I will DM you on LatinR slack to ask more about it, ok?

rivaquiroga commented 2 years ago

@beatrizmilz, sure!

HektorDannyel commented 2 years ago

@beatrizmilz @rivaquiroga Is there room for more contributors? A buddy and I would be delighted to participate!

hsvab commented 2 years ago

@hadley Great news! I'm here to help ;-)

rafalopespx commented 2 years ago

Hey @beatrizmilz I don´t know if there is time yet, but I wanna help with community translation for pt-br, how can I join it?

beatrizmilz commented 2 years ago

@rafalopespx @HektorDannyel and anyone else interested: all the help we can get is really welcome!! We did not start to translate, because as far as I understood, the 2ed is still being written!

ghost commented 1 year ago

@hadley Hi, following this comment https://github.com/hadley/r4ds/issues/955#issuecomment-1048312831 I am interested in translating the second edition of R for data science in Persian and I can contribute to french translation as well. I am looking forward to getting an update on this issue and maybe opening a separate issue for Persian/Contributing to the french translation if needed. Thanks!

brunomioto commented 1 year ago

If it's still possible, I would like to help!

beatrizmilz commented 1 year ago

Hi @brunomioto! https://github.com/hadley/r4ds/issues/955#issuecomment-1190190582 The book is still a work-in-progress , so we are waiting for it to be finished to start translating :)

And every help is welcome when the time comes!

gaiobr commented 1 year ago

I would also like to help!

gfsarmanho commented 1 year ago

I am also interested in helping with the translation!

hadley commented 1 year ago

R4DS 2e is now finished and off to the printers! Would you like me to get permission from O'Reilly for an open-access Portuguese translation?

hsvab commented 1 year ago

For sure @hadley!

beatrizmilz commented 1 year ago

R4DS 2e is now finished and off to the printers! Would you like me to get permission from O'Reilly for an open-access Portuguese translation?

What a great news!! Yes Hadley, as @hsvab said, for sure! Thank you so much.

rafalopespx commented 1 year ago

Count on me for any help!

HektorDannyel commented 1 year ago

That's awesome! Please let us know!

hadley commented 1 year ago

Just got permission! 🥳

brunomioto commented 1 year ago

Just got permission! 🥳

Let's get to work!

rafalopespx commented 1 year ago

How we can organize this? I suggest a mailing list or something like

beatrizmilz commented 1 year ago


Hadley, this is such great news!!

About how to organize this:

As soon as we have the repository for the translation, I will post here and we can focus on working there (so Hadley won't receive so many notifications!)

rafalopespx commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @beatrizmilz for organizing this.

To me it works either way, via Slack or via telegram, I think Slack is better cause we can keep the history of the discussions.

Should we open an organization like ciencia de datos to the Portuguese translation?

beatrizmilz commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @beatrizmilz for organizing this.

To me it works either way, via Slack or via telegram, I think Slack is better cause we can keep the history of the discussions.

Should we open an organization like ciencia de datos to the Portuguese translation?

We already translated the datasets to use in the book translation, the package dados. We did that translation in the Ciencia de datos org and I think is a good idea to create the book translation there as well, so all the translations from Latin America are focused there (the Spanish and Portuguese versions).

I asked Riva to create the repo and give me access, Soon I will be back with any news.

I think Slack is a good option because of that aswell. For those who want to contribute to the translation, please join the Latin-R slack: https://latin-r.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNDA3MjM3MTQwOTM1LTg3ZWMyNWU3MGI2MGM5YzU0MGU4NWE5NjYwMjBhMGZmYTQzYTA0ODZlOTE1NDc0YzIwM2NhYTJiNDQyZjMzZjc

beatrizmilz commented 1 year ago

We have a fork! https://github.com/cienciadedatos/pt-r4ds

And a Slack channel on Latin-R Slack!

nextmarte commented 12 months ago

Hey @beatrizmilz I'm interested in helping too, kudos on the initiative!

beatrizmilz commented 11 months ago

Hi! We have started working on the translation.

Some useful links:

I was able to add in the Slack channel a lot of people from this thread that say that is interested in contributing to the translation, but I was not able to add @gaiobr @gfsarmanho (maybe you can send me an email and we can talk there? milz.bea@gmail.com )