hadronized / hop.nvim

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col value outside range stack #345

Open geril2207 opened 1 year ago

geril2207 commented 1 year ago

When use on new blank line i get this error image Use in this position, this bug throws when use commands with AC/BC image NVIM v0.8.0-1210-gd367ed9b2

ZwodahS commented 1 year ago

try using the commit: caaccee814afefa8cb5ba4cca4d1e22013c4b489

Somehow, this bug keep coming back every now and then and I gave up updating hop for now.

qadzek commented 1 year ago

@ZwodahS Thanks, that fixed the error.

Plug 'phaazon/hop.nvim', {'commit': 'caaccee'}

spire-carlos commented 1 year ago

Plug 'aznhe21/hop.nvim', { 'branch': 'fix-some-bugs'}