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Markers are out of place when we have `<tab>` in the latest version of NeoVim #365

Open 110y opened 1 year ago

110y commented 1 year ago


Markers are out of place when we have <tab> in the latest version of NeoVim. (Please see the screenshot at the bottom of this issue.)

My environment

How to reproduce this issue

vim.cmd('set runtimepath+=$PWD/tmp/hop.nvim')
vim.cmd('set noexpandtab')

$ mkdir tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/phaazon/hop.nvim.git ./tmp/hop.nvim
$ nvim ./test.txt
  1. type i to change to Insert mode
  2. type <tab>test<esc>
  3. type yyp to duplicate the line
  4. type :HopWord<cr>

Then, the markers are out of place like below:


If my investigation is correct, this issue started to happen after this PR (inline virtual text) was merged into the NeoVim. (But sorry, I could not catch the root cause...)