Open cleong14 opened 2 years ago
Oh that should be quite simple, yes! I will try to work on that in the upcoming week if I find some time, or if anyone wants to give it a try, feel free to.
I am not familiar with neovim's internals and with lua itself, but want this feature and can try to implement it myself.
I investigated the code a bit and think that ui.lua :: M.open_window
should be patched, instead of "wincmd H" need to write the corresponding command guessed from the settings.
Is that enough?
Unfortunately I've got no idea how to make floating window
I just added the mapping
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<M-w>"] = "<Cmd>MindOpenProject<CR><C-W>L<Cmd>Goyo<CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<M-W>"] = "<Cmd>Goyo!<CR><Cmd>MindClose<CR>"
so that when Mind is needed - I am just opening it in Goyo window.
Fortunately, Mind remembers which items were open/collapsed. Unfortunately, it doesnt remember the selected item.
New Feature Suggestions:
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