hadronized / quaazar

Realtime 3D engine
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
6 stars 2 forks source link

Target #20

Closed hadronized closed 9 years ago

hadronized commented 9 years ago
initModel :: (MonadIO m,MonadLogger m,Photon m) => m App
initModel = do
  cube <- loadSpawn "cube" -- Mesh
  cubeMat <- loadSpawn "redMaterial" -- Material
  blueLight <- loadSpawn "blueLight" -- Light
  redLight <- loadSpawn "redLight" -- Light
  useMaterial cube cubeMat
  yCorrection <- loadSpawn "yCorrection" -- PostFX
  ssao <- loadSpawn "ssao" -- PostFX
  return (App cube blueLight redLight yCorrection ssao)

render :: (MonadIO m,Photon m) => App -> m ()
render (App cube blueLight redLight yCorrection ssao) = do
  -- accum is the first phase of the render. In that phase, each render is
  -- done in a frame, and when the clustered renders (per light) are done, the
  -- resulting frame is blended (accumulated) into another one. The accumulated
  -- frame is then available for the next phases.
  accum Additive One One $ do
    withLight blueLight (renderMesh cube)
    withLight redLight (renderMesh cube)
  -- post-process phase in which we can apply a list of PostFX
  -- Note:
  --   sequence_ . map postfx = postProcess
  sequence_ (map postfx [ssao,yCorrection])
  -- final phase of the render, we simply display the resulting frame on
  -- screen. We could also have used screenshot path or the frame function
  -- that gets back the frame.