haekb / nolf2-modernizer

NOLF 2 Modernizer aims to unlock resolution support, restore multi-player support, and fix a few bugs here and there.
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Add "AntiAliasFSOverSample" to Performance options #20

Closed haekb closed 4 years ago

haekb commented 4 years ago

I haven't fully tested it, but I assume it's the same as these options https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms130142%28v%3dvs.100%29

There weren't a lot of ways to do anti-aliasing back then..


It requires fullscreen, so there should also be a check to disable it if windowed mode is enabled!

Here's a pic of it being set to 4! image

haekb commented 4 years ago

Doing a few small hex edits to swap the engine to use D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD in windowed mode fixes MSAA in windowed mode! Neat.

There's a small problem where there's a 1 pixel offset on the top left corner of most on screen overlays (cinematic bars for example.)

haekb commented 4 years ago

It also causes particle effects to be a little incorrect. As seen from the fire in the opening cutscene image

I may add it as a "There's bugs, but it's cool." option.

Edit: Turns out this is just default windowed mode doing it's thing. Not related to my hex edit tweaks or anti-aliasing. The 1 pixel offset is a problem though!