haesleinhuepf / devbio-napari

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Installing arm64 variant on Mac M1 #23

Open haesleinhuepf opened 2 years ago

haesleinhuepf commented 2 years ago

I'm attempting to install devbio-napari on a Mac M1. I do have rosetta installed and there everything works great. I'm failing to setup an environment using the arm64 architecture.

I followed the instructions here and use this command to setup an environment:

CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-arm64 mamba create --name devbio-napari-env python=3.9 devbio-napari redlionfish -c conda-forge

And receive this error:

Looking for: ['python=3.9', 'devbio-napari', 'redlionfish']

conda-forge/noarch       Using cache
pkgs/main/noarch         [====================] (00m:00s) No change
pkgs/r/osx-arm64         [====================] (00m:00s) Done
pkgs/r/noarch            [====================] (00m:00s) No change
pkgs/main/osx-arm64      [====================] (00m:00s) Done
conda-forge/osx-arm64    [====================] (00m:01s) Done
Encountered problems while solving.
Problem: nothing provides __linux needed by devbio-napari-0.6.0-linux_h41d4057_1

Maybe @thawn or @psobolewskiPhD can give me hints? (-:


haesleinhuepf commented 2 years ago

Hint: Don't spend too much time on pocl. It's not a reasonable replacement for a real graphics processing unit, it's just an emulator.

psobolewskiPhD commented 2 years ago

Hint: Don't spend too much time on pocl. It's not a reasonable replacement for a real graphics processing unit, it's just an emulator.

If that's the case, then the apple-wrapper needs to be in! pyopencl docs seem to suggest pocl can be better than apple drivers: https://documen.tician.de/pyopencl/misc.html#enabling-access-to-cpus-and-gpus-via-py-opencl but if that's just for CPU, then I really don't get why pyopencl dropped the apple-wrapper in favor of the user choosing. BTW My googling found this old image.sc thread: https://forum.image.sc/t/pyclesperanto-pyopencl-issue-on-mac-m1/63482/3?u=psobolewskiphd Note Talley's response—we've been down this stream before.

psobolewskiPhD commented 2 years ago

Good news! imagecodecs-lite migration merged: https://github.com/conda-forge/imagecodecs-lite-feedstock/pull/15 and... while installing still takes a bit of time, devbio-napari appears fully functional on my M1 with: mamba create --name test-env2 python=3.9 devbio-napari

devbio-napari             0.7.1            osx_hd1c38e8_0    conda-forge
ocl_icd_wrapper_apple     1.0.0                h27ca646_0    conda-forge

pycle-assistant stuff works, simpleITK stuff works, platymatch works. No cellpose though?

full conda list:

``` # packages in environment at /Users/piotrsobolewski/Dev/miniforge3/envs/test-env2: # # Name Version Build Channel alabaster 0.7.12 py_0 conda-forge anyio 3.6.1 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge aom 3.5.0 h7ea286d_0 conda-forge apoc-backend 0.10.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge appdirs 1.4.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge appnope 0.1.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge argon2-cffi 21.3.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0 py39hb18efdd_2 conda-forge asciitree 0.3.3 py_2 conda-forge asttokens 2.0.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge attrs 22.1.0 pyh71513ae_1 conda-forge autopep8 1.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge babel 2.10.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge backcall 0.2.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge backports 1.0 py_2 conda-forge backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge beautifulsoup4 4.11.1 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge bleach 5.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge blosc 1.21.1 hd414afc_3 conda-forge bokeh 2.4.3 pyhd8ed1ab_3 conda-forge brotli 1.0.9 h1c322ee_7 conda-forge brotli-bin 1.0.9 h1c322ee_7 conda-forge brotlipy 0.7.0 py39hb18efdd_1004 conda-forge brunsli 0.1 h9f76cd9_0 conda-forge bzip2 1.0.8 h3422bc3_4 conda-forge c-ares 1.18.1 h3422bc3_0 conda-forge c-blosc2 2.4.2 h303ed30_0 conda-forge ca-certificates 2022.9.24 h4653dfc_0 conda-forge cached-property 1.5.2 hd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge cached_property 1.5.2 pyha770c72_1 conda-forge cachey 0.2.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge certifi 2022.9.24 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge cffi 1.15.1 py39h04d3946_0 conda-forge cfitsio 4.1.0 hd4f5c17_0 conda-forge charls 2.3.4 hbdafb3b_0 conda-forge charset-normalizer 2.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge click 8.1.3 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge click-default-group 1.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge cloudpickle 2.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge colorama 0.4.5 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge commonmark 0.9.1 py_0 conda-forge contourpy 1.0.5 py39haaf3ac1_0 conda-forge control 0.9.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge cryptography 38.0.1 py39haa0b8cc_0 conda-forge cycler 0.11.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge cytoolz 0.12.0 py39h9eb174b_0 conda-forge czifile 2019.7.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge dask 2022.9.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge dask-core 2022.9.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge dataclasses 0.8 pyhc8e2a94_3 conda-forge dav1d 1.0.0 he4db4b2_1 conda-forge debugpy 1.6.3 py39h3c22d25_0 conda-forge decorator 5.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge defusedxml 0.7.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge deprecated 1.2.13 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge devbio-napari 0.7.1 osx_hd1c38e8_0 conda-forge distributed 2022.9.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge docstring_parser 0.13 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge docutils 0.19 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge eigen 3.4.0 hc021e02_0 conda-forge entrypoints 0.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge executing 1.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge expat 2.4.9 hb7217d7_0 conda-forge fasteners 0.17.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge ffmpeg 5.1.2 gpl_hcccd11d_101 conda-forge fftw 3.3.10 nompi_h3046061_4 conda-forge finesse 3.0a3 py39h8c6c5b4_2 conda-forge flit-core 3.7.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37 hab24e00_0 conda-forge font-ttf-inconsolata 3.000 h77eed37_0 conda-forge font-ttf-source-code-pro 2.038 h77eed37_0 conda-forge font-ttf-ubuntu 0.83 hab24e00_0 conda-forge fontconfig 2.14.0 h82840c6_1 conda-forge fonts-conda-ecosystem 1 0 conda-forge fonts-conda-forge 1 0 conda-forge fonttools 4.37.4 py39h02fc5c5_0 conda-forge freetype 2.12.1 hd633e50_0 conda-forge freetype-py 2.3.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge fsspec 2022.8.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge future 0.18.2 py39h2804cbe_5 conda-forge gettext h0186832_1009 conda-forge giflib 5.2.1 h27ca646_2 conda-forge glib 2.74.0 hb5ab8b9_0 conda-forge glib-tools 2.74.0 hb5ab8b9_0 conda-forge gmp 6.2.1 h9f76cd9_0 conda-forge gmpy2 2.1.2 py39h6e385ed_0 conda-forge gnutls 3.7.8 h9f1a10d_0 conda-forge gst-plugins-base 1.20.3 h8b7775e_2 conda-forge gstreamer 1.20.3 hcb7b3dd_2 conda-forge h5py 3.7.0 nompi_py39h6b51346_101 conda-forge hdbscan 0.8.28 py39h20ef057_1 conda-forge hdf5 1.12.2 nompi_h8968d4b_100 conda-forge heapdict 1.0.1 py_0 conda-forge hsluv 5.0.2 pyh44b312d_0 conda-forge icu 70.1 h6b3803e_0 conda-forge idna 3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge imagecodecs 2022.9.26 py39h6bc43d6_0 conda-forge imagecodecs-lite 2019.12.3 py39h4d8bf0d_5 conda-forge imageio 2.22.0 pyhfa7a67d_0 conda-forge imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge imagesize 1.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge importlib-metadata 4.11.4 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge importlib_resources 5.10.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge iniconfig 1.1.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge ipycanvas 0.13.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge ipyevents 2.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge ipykernel 6.16.0 pyh736e0ef_0 conda-forge ipython 8.5.0 pyhd1c38e8_1 conda-forge ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py_1 conda-forge ipywidgets 8.0.2 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge jedi 0.18.1 pyhd8ed1ab_2 conda-forge jinja2 3.1.2 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge joblib 1.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jpeg 9e he4db4b2_2 conda-forge json5 0.9.5 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge jsonschema 4.16.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyter 1.0.0 py39h2804cbe_7 conda-forge jupyter_client 7.3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyter_console 6.4.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyter_core 4.11.1 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge jupyter_server 1.16.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyterlab 3.4.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyterlab_pygments 0.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyterlab_server 2.15.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupyterlab_widgets 3.0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jupytext 1.14.0 pyheef035f_0 conda-forge jxrlib 1.1 h27ca646_2 conda-forge khronos-opencl-icd-loader 2022.09.30 h1a8c8d9_2 conda-forge kiwisolver 1.4.4 py39hab5e169_0 conda-forge krb5 1.19.3 hf9b2bbe_0 conda-forge lame 3.100 h1a8c8d9_1003 conda-forge lcms2 2.12 had6a04f_0 conda-forge lerc 4.0.0 h9a09cb3_0 conda-forge libaec 1.0.6 hbdafb3b_0 conda-forge libavif 0.10.1 h3d80962_2 conda-forge libblas 3.9.0 16_osxarm64_openblas conda-forge libbrotlicommon 1.0.9 h1c322ee_7 conda-forge libbrotlidec 1.0.9 h1c322ee_7 conda-forge libbrotlienc 1.0.9 h1c322ee_7 conda-forge libcblas 3.9.0 16_osxarm64_openblas conda-forge libclang 14.0.6 default_h81a5282_0 conda-forge libclang13 14.0.6 default_he70ec0d_0 conda-forge libcurl 7.85.0 hd538317_0 conda-forge libcxx 14.0.6 h2692d47_0 conda-forge libdeflate 1.14 h1a8c8d9_0 conda-forge libedit 3.1.20191231 hc8eb9b7_2 conda-forge libev 4.33 h642e427_1 conda-forge libffi 3.4.2 h3422bc3_5 conda-forge libgfortran 5.0.0 11_3_0_hd922786_25 conda-forge libgfortran5 11.3.0 hdaf2cc0_25 conda-forge libglib 2.74.0 h14ed1c1_0 conda-forge libiconv 1.17 he4db4b2_0 conda-forge libidn2 2.3.3 he4db4b2_0 conda-forge libitk 5.2.1 h112da86_6 conda-forge libitk-devel 5.2.1 h9649be8_6 conda-forge liblapack 3.9.0 16_osxarm64_openblas conda-forge libllvm11 11.1.0 hfa12f05_4 conda-forge libllvm14 14.0.6 h37c5ba8_0 conda-forge libnghttp2 1.47.0 h232270b_1 conda-forge libogg 1.3.4 h27ca646_1 conda-forge libopenblas 0.3.21 openmp_hc731615_3 conda-forge libopus 1.3.1 h27ca646_1 conda-forge libpng 1.6.38 h76d750c_0 conda-forge libpq 14.5 hb2ab832_0 conda-forge libsodium 1.0.18 h27ca646_1 conda-forge libsqlite 3.39.4 h76d750c_0 conda-forge libssh2 1.10.0 hb80f160_3 conda-forge libtasn1 4.19.0 h1a8c8d9_0 conda-forge libtiff 4.4.0 hfa0b094_4 conda-forge libunistring 0.9.10 h3422bc3_0 conda-forge libvorbis 1.3.7 h9f76cd9_0 conda-forge libvpx 1.11.0 hc470f4d_3 conda-forge libwebp-base 1.2.4 h57fd34a_0 conda-forge libxcb 1.13 h9b22ae9_1004 conda-forge libxml2 2.9.14 h9d8dfc2_4 conda-forge libzlib 1.2.12 h03a7124_4 conda-forge libzopfli 1.0.3 h9f76cd9_0 conda-forge llvm-openmp 14.0.4 hd125106_0 conda-forge llvmlite 0.39.1 py39h8ca5d33_0 conda-forge locket 1.0.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge loguru 0.6.0 py39h2804cbe_1 conda-forge lz4 4.0.0 py39h049b86e_2 conda-forge lz4-c 1.9.3 hbdafb3b_1 conda-forge magicgui 0.5.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge mako 1.2.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge markdown-it-py 2.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge markupsafe 2.1.1 py39hb18efdd_1 conda-forge matplotlib-base 3.6.0 py39h35e9e80_0 conda-forge matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge mdit-py-plugins 0.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge mdurl 0.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge metis 5.1.0 h9f76cd9_1006 conda-forge mistune 0.8.4 py39h5161555_1005 conda-forge more-itertools 8.14.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge mpc 1.2.1 h309154c_0 conda-forge mpfr 4.1.0 h6d7a090_1 conda-forge mpmath 1.2.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge msgpack-python 1.0.4 py39hab5e169_0 conda-forge munkres 1.1.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge mysql-common 8.0.30 hab468bb_1 conda-forge mysql-libs 8.0.30 hea58576_1 conda-forge napari 0.4.15 pyh275ddea_1_pyqt conda-forge napari-3d-ortho-viewer 0.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-accelerated-pixel-and-object-classification 0.10.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-animation 0.0.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-assistant 0.3.16 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-blob-detection 0.0.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-brightness-contrast 0.1.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-clusters-plotter 0.5.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-console 0.0.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-crop 0.1.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-curtain 0.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-czifile2 0.2.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-folder-browser 0.1.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-layer-details-display 0.1.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-mouse-controls 0.1.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-plot-profile 0.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-plugin-engine 0.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_2 conda-forge napari-plugin-search 0.1.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-pyclesperanto-assistant 0.20.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-pystackreg 0.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-roi 0.1.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-segment-blobs-and-things-with-membranes 0.3.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-simpleitk-image-processing 0.4.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-skimage-regionprops 0.5.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-svg 0.1.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-tabu 0.1.5 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-time-slicer 0.4.9 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge napari-tools-menu 0.1.17 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-workflow-inspector 0.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-workflow-optimizer 0.1.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge napari-workflows 0.2.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge nbclassic 0.3.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge nbclient 0.5.13 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge nbconvert 6.4.5 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge nbformat 5.6.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge ncurses 6.3 h07bb92c_1 conda-forge nest-asyncio 1.5.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge nettle 3.8.1 h63371fa_1 conda-forge networkx 2.8.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge notebook 6.4.12 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge notebook-shim 0.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge npe2 0.6.1 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge nspr 4.32 hbdafb3b_1 conda-forge nss 3.78 h1483a63_0 conda-forge numba 0.56.2 py39h251cc7c_1 conda-forge numcodecs 0.10.2 py39h3c22d25_0 conda-forge numpy 1.23.3 py39hcb4b507_0 conda-forge numpydoc 1.4.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge ocl_icd_wrapper_apple 1.0.0 h27ca646_0 conda-forge openh264 2.3.1 hb7217d7_1 conda-forge openjpeg 2.5.0 h5d4e404_1 conda-forge openssl 1.1.1q ha287fd2_0 conda-forge p11-kit 0.24.1 h29577a5_0 conda-forge packaging 21.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pandas 1.5.0 py39hde7b980_0 conda-forge pandocfilters 1.5.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge parso 0.8.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge partd 1.3.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pcre2 10.37 hcf5f1cc_1 conda-forge pep517 0.12.0 py39h2804cbe_2 conda-forge pexpect 4.8.0 pyh9f0ad1d_2 conda-forge pickleshare 0.7.5 py_1003 conda-forge pillow 9.2.0 py39he45c975_2 conda-forge pint 0.19.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pip 22.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pkgutil-resolve-name 1.3.10 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge platformdirs 2.5.2 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge platymatch 0.0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pluggy 1.0.0 py39h2804cbe_3 conda-forge ply 3.11 py_1 conda-forge pooch 1.6.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge prometheus_client 0.14.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge prompt-toolkit 3.0.31 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge prompt_toolkit 3.0.31 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge psutil 5.9.2 py39h02fc5c5_0 conda-forge psygnal 0.3.5 py39hab5e169_0 conda-forge pthread-stubs 0.4 h27ca646_1001 conda-forge ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyhd3deb0d_0 conda-forge pure_eval 0.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge py 1.11.0 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge pyclesperanto-prototype 0.19.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pycodestyle 2.9.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pycparser 2.21 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pydantic 1.10.2 py39h02fc5c5_0 conda-forge pygments 2.13.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pynndescent 0.5.7 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge pyopencl 2022.2.3 py39h70e7ac2_0 conda-forge pyopengl 3.1.6 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge pyopenssl 22.0.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge pyparsing 3.0.9 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pyperclip 1.8.2 pyhd8ed1ab_2 conda-forge pyqt 5.15.7 py39h5be3558_0 conda-forge pyqt5-sip 12.11.0 py39h6e3512e_0 conda-forge pyqtgraph 0.13.1 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge pyrsistent 0.18.1 py39hb18efdd_1 conda-forge pysocks 1.7.1 pyha2e5f31_6 conda-forge pyspellchecker 0.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pystackreg 0.2.7 py39hde7b980_0 conda-forge pytest 7.1.3 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge python 3.9.13 hc596b02_0_cpython conda-forge python-build 0.8.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge python-dateutil 2.8.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge python-fastjsonschema 2.16.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge python_abi 3.9 2_cp39 conda-forge pytomlpp 1.0.11 py39h2c803a9_0 conda-forge pytools 2022.1.12 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pytz 2022.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pywavelets 1.3.0 py39h43ea957_1 conda-forge pyyaml 6.0 py39hb18efdd_4 conda-forge pyzmq 24.0.1 py39h0553236_0 conda-forge qt-main 5.15.6 h96bf0dc_0 conda-forge qtconsole-base 5.3.2 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge qtpy 2.2.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge readline 8.1.2 h46ed386_0 conda-forge requests 2.28.1 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge rich 12.6.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge scikit-image 0.19.3 py39h533cade_1 conda-forge scikit-learn 1.1.2 py39h598ef33_0 conda-forge scipy 1.9.1 py39h737da60_0 conda-forge send2trash 1.8.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge setuptools 65.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge shellingham 1.5.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge simpleitk py39h7295a1e_0 conda-forge sip 6.7.1 py39h23fbdae_0 conda-forge six 1.16.0 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge sly 0.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge slycot py39h6b18137_1 conda-forge snappy 1.1.9 h39c3846_1 conda-forge sniffio 1.3.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge snowballstemmer 2.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge sortedcontainers 2.4.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge soupsieve 2.3.2.post1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge sphinx 5.2.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3 py_0 conda-forge sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5 pyhd8ed1ab_2 conda-forge sqlite 3.39.4 h2229b38_0 conda-forge stack_data 0.5.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge stackview 0.3.5 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge suitesparse 5.10.1 h7cd81ec_1 conda-forge superqt 0.3.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge svt-av1 1.2.1 he23bcac_0 conda-forge sympy 1.11.1 py39h2804cbe_1 conda-forge tabulate 0.9.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge tbb 2021.6.0 hffc8910_0 conda-forge tbb-devel 2021.6.0 hffc8910_0 conda-forge tblib 1.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge terminado 0.16.0 pyhd1c38e8_0 conda-forge testpath 0.6.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge the-segmentation-game 0.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge threadpoolctl 3.1.0 pyh8a188c0_0 conda-forge tifffile 2022.8.12 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge tk 8.6.12 he1e0b03_0 conda-forge toml 0.10.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge tomli 2.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge toolz 0.12.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge tornado 6.1 py39hb18efdd_3 conda-forge tqdm 4.64.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge traitlets 5.4.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge transforms3d 0.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typer 0.6.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typing-extensions 4.4.0 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typing_extensions 4.4.0 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge tzdata 2022d h191b570_0 conda-forge umap-learn 0.5.3 py39h2804cbe_0 conda-forge unicodedata2 14.0.0 py39hb18efdd_1 conda-forge urllib3 1.26.11 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge vispy 0.9.6 py39h6eccaaf_1 conda-forge wcwidth 0.2.5 pyh9f0ad1d_2 conda-forge webencodings 0.5.1 py_1 conda-forge websocket-client 1.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge wheel 0.37.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge widgetsnbextension 4.0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge wrapt 1.14.1 py39h9eb174b_0 conda-forge x264 1!164.3095 h57fd34a_2 conda-forge x265 3.5 hbc6ce65_3 conda-forge xorg-libxau 1.0.9 h27ca646_0 conda-forge xorg-libxdmcp 1.1.3 h27ca646_0 conda-forge xz 5.2.6 h57fd34a_0 conda-forge yaml 0.2.5 h3422bc3_2 conda-forge zarr 2.13.2 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge zeromq 4.3.4 hbdafb3b_1 conda-forge zfp 1.0.0 h7b19444_1 conda-forge zict 2.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge zipp 3.8.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge zlib 1.2.12 h03a7124_4 conda-forge zlib-ng 2.0.6 he4db4b2_0 conda-forge zstd 1.5.2 h8128057_4 conda-forge ```
kevinyamauchi commented 2 years ago

Nice work, @psobolewskiPhD !

I believe cellpose was removed due to some installation issues on Windows: https://github.com/haesleinhuepf/devbio-napari/issues/17

psobolewskiPhD commented 2 years ago

Ah, so i had it earlier because arm64 was getting old devbio. Now it's up-to-date so no cellpose—quicker install tho!

kevinyamauchi commented 2 years ago

I think there's a pathway to adding it back though (see here). I'm a cellpose fan, so I think adding the -c pytorch to the suggested installation command is worth it.

kevinyamauchi commented 2 years ago

Good news! imagecodecs-lite migration merged: conda-forge/imagecodecs-lite-feedstock#15 and... while installing still takes a bit of time, devbio-napari appears fully functional on my M1 with: mamba create --name test-env2 python=3.9 devbio-napari

devbio-napari             0.7.1            osx_hd1c38e8_0    conda-forge
ocl_icd_wrapper_apple     1.0.0                h27ca646_0    conda-forge

pycle-assistant stuff works, simpleITK stuff works, platymatch works. No cellpose though?

full conda list:

@psobolewskiPhD , am I understanding correctly that the current devbio-napari is now installing correctly on your M1 Mac (:tada:)? If so, I think we can close this issue.

kevinyamauchi commented 2 years ago

On a related note, thank you for all of your work to make the scientific python easily installable on M1/M2 macs, @psobolewskiPhD ! I've seen you making fixes and helping people all over the place. Amazing!

psobolewskiPhD commented 2 years ago

@psobolewskiPhD , am I understanding correctly that the current devbio-napari is now installing correctly on your M1 Mac (🎉)? If so, I think we can close this issue.

Yes sir! Also, can nuke this part of the README:


I'll make a PR.

kevinyamauchi commented 2 years ago

Awesome! :rocket:

psobolewskiPhD commented 2 years ago

Correct @psobolewskiPhD . Actually, it might make sense to install the wrapper together with pyopencl. We may also let the redlionfish people know about this modification. They also depend directly on pyopencl

I've made a PR to the RLF feedstock to add the wrapper on osx. Hopefully I didn't mess anything up! https://github.com/conda-forge/redlionfish-feedstock/pull/11