haf / expecto

A smooth testing lib for F#. APIs made for humans! Strong testing methodologies for everyone!
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enhancement: list focused tests #392

Closed vilinski closed 3 years ago

vilinski commented 3 years ago

To be sure the test suite runs all tests I use the --fail-on-focused-tests flag

$ dotnet run -- --fail-on-focused-tests
[10:13:11 ERR] It was requested that no focused tests exist, but 1 focused tests were found. <Expecto>

The output message is unhelpful. Luckily I can grep for ftest, but it is not ideal Better were to see which tests are focused to unfocus them again. Is it possible to list them instead of pointing out there are some?

Maybe also something similar for pending tests?

haf commented 3 years ago

Good enhancement suggestion! 👍