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CVE-2023-29337 (High) detected in nuget.common.6.5.0.nupkg, nuget.protocol.6.5.0.nupkg - autoclosed #462

Closed mend-bolt-for-github[bot] closed 1 year ago

mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 1 year ago

CVE-2023-29337 - High Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Libraries - nuget.common.6.5.0.nupkg, nuget.protocol.6.5.0.nupkg


Common utilities and interfaces for all NuGet libraries.

Library home page: https://api.nuget.org/packages/nuget.common.6.5.0.nupkg

Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.nuget/packages/nuget.common/6.5.0/nuget.common.6.5.0.nupkg

Dependency Hierarchy: - nuget.protocol.6.5.0.nupkg (Root Library) - nuget.packaging.6.5.0.nupkg - nuget.configuration.6.5.0.nupkg - :x: **nuget.common.6.5.0.nupkg** (Vulnerable Library)


NuGet's implementation for interacting with feeds. Contains functionality for all feed types.

Library home page: https://api.nuget.org/packages/nuget.protocol.6.5.0.nupkg

Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.nuget/packages/nuget.protocol/6.5.0/nuget.protocol.6.5.0.nupkg

Dependency Hierarchy: - :x: **nuget.protocol.6.5.0.nupkg** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 31343cebd57085b9266c06bec927a9a8d2fc5ab1

Found in base branch: main

Vulnerability Details

NuGet Client Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Publish Date: 2023-06-14

URL: CVE-2023-29337

CVSS 3 Score Details (7.1)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: High - Privileges Required: Low - User Interaction: Required - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: High - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Origin: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-6qmf-mmc7-6c2p

Release Date: 2023-06-14

Fix Resolution: NuGet.CommandLine - 6.0.5,6.2.4,6.3.3,6.4.2,6.5.1,6.6.1, NuGet.Commands - 6.0.5,6.2.4,6.3.3,6.4.2,6.5.1,6.6.1, NuGet.Common - 6.0.5,6.2.4,6.3.3,6.4.2,6.5.1,6.6.1, NuGet.PackageManagement - 6.0.5,6.2.4,6.3.3,6.4.2,6.5.1,6.6.1, NuGet.Protocol - 6.0.5,6.2.4,6.3.3,6.4.2,6.5.1,6.6.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend here

mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 1 year ago

:heavy_check_mark: This issue was automatically closed by Mend because the vulnerable library in the specific branch(es) was either marked as ignored or it is no longer part of the Mend inventory.