haf / expecto

A smooth testing lib for F#. APIs made for humans! Strong testing methodologies for everyone!
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Q: VSCode Integration best practices? #479

Closed MaxWilson closed 9 months ago

MaxWilson commented 9 months ago

How do other people use Expecto in VSCode? If I try to use the integrated test runner it fails to find any tests, and yet somehow also discovers the tests and marks them as failures:

No test matches the given testcase filter (FullyQualifiedName=POC TDD.CQRS.Design CQRS diffing) in c:\code\Arena\test\bin\Debug\net7.0\Tests.dll


This is not a serious issue because I can run Expecto from the command line and can still debug into Expecto tests within VSCode, but I'm new enough to VSCode that I wonder if there's a better way that everyone else is using. The YoloDev.Expecto.TestSdk adapter works fine in Visual Studio but doesn't seem to work in VSCode.

MaxWilson commented 9 months ago

Oh, never mind, it looks like the issue was something different: it simply had gotten confused because I renamed my testLabel from "POC TDD" to "Unit". Closing and re-opening VSCode resolved my issue and now I have the option for a nice


if I want it.