hafen / geofacet

R package for geographical faceting with ggplot2
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Issues with world_countries_grid1 #249

Open ahcyip opened 4 years ago

ahcyip commented 4 years ago

Nepal and Bangladesh appear to be flipped. I understand geography and placement can be political, but this seems like an adjustment that would be indisputable.

Also, not sure why Greenland and Antarctica are on the grid if this is supposed to be "countries". Finally, it seems inconsistent that some islands are split off (placed so that they don't touch the mainland) but others aren't.

hafen commented 3 years ago

Thanks! This was user-specified and there is always some subjectivity in creating a layout. I would love to have alternate layouts.

Please feel free to submit a new grid:

# need to remove special characters from country names before sending to grid designer
my_grid <- world_countries_grid1                                                                                          
my_grid$name <- gsub("[^[:alnum:] ]", "", my_grid$name)
# now rearrange as you see fit, pull back into R, fix country names (can merge with world_countries_grid1), and submit, maybe as "world_countries_grid2"

Also thanks for your interesting examples of applying this package.