hafen / geofacet

R package for geographical faceting with ggplot2
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new grid #319

Open accostales opened 3 years ago

accostales commented 3 years ago

[[Note: Please edit the title above and provide a description of the grid here. Also check the ISO_3166-2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2) codes if your grid uses countries or states/provinces. Finally, if you can provide an example of your grid in action with a data set and sample code, that would be great but is not required. Remove this text before submitting.]]

Grid data:

row col Abreviatura Nombre,row,col
1   1   PRI Pinar del Río,1,1
2   2   ART Artemisa,1,2
3   4   LHA La Habana,1,3
2   5   MAY Mayabeque,1,4
2   5   MTZ Matanzas,1,5
2   6   VCL Villa Clara,1,6
2   7   CFG Cienfuegos,2,1
3   8   SSP Sancti Spiritus,2,2
3   9   CEV Ciego de Ávila,2,3
4   10  CAM Camagüey,2,4
4   11  LTA Las Tunas,2,5
4   12  HOL Holguín,2,6
5   12  GRA Granma,3,1
5   14  SCU Santiago de Cuba,3,2
5   15  GTM Guantánamo,3,3
3   2   ISJ Isla de la Juventud,3,4
stedy commented 3 years ago