hafen / hbgd

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the hbgd::fit_trajectory function seems to change what is returned in the checkpoint object depending on the variable used. #13

Open hathawayj opened 7 years ago

hathawayj commented 7 years ago

If I use HAZ or WAZ then, I get columns x,y,z,zcat. If I use BAZ, HCAZ, or WHAZ then I only get columns x,y and the y column looks like the z-score values column. I also don't get any zcats column. The help files don't tell me what the output is. However the function (https://github.com/hafen/hbgd/blob/master/R/analysis_fit_traj.R) shows that you do extra magic for haz and waz.
It might be nice to have the magic for the other three adjusted z-score values...

hafen commented 7 years ago

This makes sense for HCAZ, BAZ, MUAZ, and SSFTAZ, but we can't do WHZ because the second variable isn't age.

hathawayj commented 7 years ago

Ok. That makes sense. But maybe the column names that are returned for WHZ should still say z instead of y. Maybe it even returns the same data frame with NAs for the other columns.

hafen commented 7 years ago

Oh yeah good point.