hafen / htmlwidgetsgallery

65 stars 98 forks source link

discussion/feedback #1

Open timelyportfolio opened 9 years ago

timelyportfolio commented 9 years ago

This is great. Let me know how I can help. Only 9 for me? on week 26 :)

hafen commented 9 years ago

@jjallaire I got sidetracked from this for a while - I just added the CNAME file.

jjallaire commented 9 years ago

I think the file you added was CMAKE (it needs to be CNAME).

I added the DNS record so once you add the CNAME file the URL should start working fairly soon.

hafen commented 9 years ago

haha yeah that would be a problem :)

DataStrategist commented 8 years ago

@hafen two other bits of metadata that might be useful in terms of measuring how updated packages are could be "Last activity" and "Open issues". Can you capture these at the same time you get the github stars?

hafen commented 8 years ago

This would be nice to have and I think I could harvest it pretty easily. Last activity is good. However, metrics like open issues could be controversial.

DataStrategist commented 8 years ago

Open issues as a metric to prevent against the following example. I'm looking for help on a htmlwidget. I go to the github page, it says it's adapted from XXX. I go to XXX's page and THEY have stopped supporting that JS lib. At this point, the R library needs a massive overhaul... but nothing is happening. That's why I was thinking open tickets. Why is it controversial? It's just data no?