hafen / trelliscopejs

TrelliscopeJS R Package
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_ignore folder creation #52

Open hathawayj opened 6 years ago

hathawayj commented 6 years ago

When I set the path variable in facet_trelliscope() or trelliscope() it doesn't use that path for the creation of a _ignore folder. Your example in the help file doesn't seem to invoke the same issue. I have more divisions does that make a difference?

I am using a windows computer.

# devtools::install_github("hathawayj/buildings")
# library(buildings)
# devtools::install_github("hafen/trelliscopejs")

data(permits, package="buildings")

#by state and county

by_stco <- permits %>%
  filter(StateAbbr %in% c("WA", "ID", "UT"), variable == "Single Family") %>%
  group_by(StateAbbr, countyname) %>%

by_stco <- by_stco %>% 
    panel = map_plot(data,
                     ~ ggplot(data = .x, aes(x = year, y = value)) +
                       geom_point() +
                       geom_line(color = "grey") +
                       #xlim(2000, 2011) + 
                       #ylim(0, 1250) +

# plot it
my_display <- tempfile()
by_stco %>%
  trelliscope("permits", nrow = 2, ncol = 7, path = my_display, thumb = TRUE)
hafen commented 6 years ago

There shouldn't be an _ignore folder. Can you clarify what the issue is?