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Understanding conditioning variables and panel keys in as_cognostics #98

Open JauntyJJS opened 3 years ago

JauntyJJS commented 3 years ago


I have some questions with regards to the as_cognostics and cog function that needs clarification https://rdrr.io/cran/trelliscopejs/man/as_cognostics.html

Firstly what is the difference between conditioning variables and panel key ? Is it possible to have more than one conditioning variable and panel key.

Secondly, I understand that there is a needs_key and needs_cond can be set to TRUE and FALSE. Is it possible to have a trellis plot to not have a panel key and conditioning variables

Lastly, if I want to define a column to be a panel key or a conditioning variable, how do I use the cog function in https://rdrr.io/cran/trelliscopejs/man/cog.html to achieve this ?

Thank you for the clarification