hafs-community / HAFS

Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System
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emc_graphics: plot_tempanomaly_hgt_wind.py: stormModel must be upper-case #303

Closed SamuelTrahanNOAA closed 2 weeks ago

SamuelTrahanNOAA commented 2 weeks ago

Description of changes

Switches to this PR of emc-graphics to correct a script bug:

Issues addressed (optional)

Dependencies (optional)

Contributors (optional)


Tests conducted

A few cycles of Hurricane Lee

Application-level regression test status

None yet.

SamuelTrahanNOAA commented 2 weeks ago

I think this is due to version incompatibility (v2 final vs v2.0.1), so I'm closing the PR until I can get feedback from other developers.

SamuelTrahanNOAA commented 2 weeks ago

I didn't mean to close this PR. I meant to close the hafs_graphics PR. This one will still point to an odd version due to aformentioned branch incompability.

SamuelTrahanNOAA commented 2 weeks ago

This bug was caused by setting config.RUN to a string with capital letters. It must be lower-case.