hagaygo / OpenWrtManager

Mobile app for interacting with your OpenWrt device.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request[Remote Router Management App like miwifi app] #42

Closed limvaldez closed 8 months ago

limvaldez commented 8 months ago

Mi wifi app. You can manage router even you are not connected to that router. Meaning, your device is connected into different network. For example. You are in usa and connected to different router, but your another router is in ireland, you can still manage your router in ireland through app.

Sample video for clear visualization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSVnG4KqH0M Time stamp: 1:36

unnamed unnamed (1)

hagaygo commented 8 months ago

Thanks for clearing this up.

But as i suspected , this is not in the scope of this app.

If you want access to your router from the internet you got basically two options.

  1. Expose your web port to the internet (really not recommended) and and set your internet IP in the app. (use DDNS service if you don't have static IP).
  2. VPN into your network.

Hope this helps.