hagenburger / pimd

PIMD – Processing Instructions for Markdown
MIT License
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Links plugin #32

Open hagenburger opened 6 years ago

hagenburger commented 6 years ago

New feature

Allow links in code blocks. This is useful when there are definitions elsewhere.


``` html +link=/class/g:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/class,/my-special-list-item/g:#my-special-list-item
  <li class="my-list-item">
    Item 1
  <li class="my-list-item my-special-list-item">
    Item 2
  <li class="my-list-item">
    Item 3
  <li class="my-list-item">
    Item 4



### The following syntax should be valid:

* `+link="xxx":url` – link `xxx` to `url`
* `+link="xxx":url-a,"yyy":url-b` – link multiple strings
* `+link=/xxx/:url` – search for RegExp
* `+link=/xxx/g:url` – allow modifiers
* `+link=/xxx/:url-a,/yyy/:url-b` – allow multiple RegExp
* `+link="xxx":url-a,/yyy/:url-b,/zzz/gi:url-c` – mix everything up

## Open questions

* How to escape `"`, `:`, `;`, and `/`? → Use JavaScript syntax
* Should `"` and `'` be allowed? → No, use JSON syntax
* Maybe `/class=".*(my-class).*"/` could link `my-class` only (as in the group). This could be useful for linkin the tag name of `li` in `<li class="list-item">` but not within `list-item`. Background: Look ahead/behind in JavaScript’s RegExp are not supported well and hard to read/write. Using a group could be much more easy.

→ This is not optimal yet as it results in long lines. Maybe another solution could be better.