hagenburger / pimd

PIMD – Processing Instructions for Markdown
MIT License
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Deploy live preview to GitHub Pages #45

Open hagenburger opened 5 years ago

hagenburger commented 5 years ago

This requires #44 to be finished.

Check this blog post on the details: https://medium.com/superhighfives/deploying-to-github-pages-with-gulp-c06efc527de8

I already set up the gh-pages branch and configured GitHub to use it. Results will be visible on https://hagenburger.github.io/pimd/.

artnerdnet commented 5 years ago

Test github

artnerdnet commented 5 years ago

Deploy to Github

benevbright commented 5 years ago

Can't wait for this will be done.

artnerdnet commented 5 years ago

I created a branch with the deploy files, when the livedemo is merged I'll PR it :)