haghish / github

a module for building, searching, installing, managing, and mining Stata packages from GitHub
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Option to delete extracted folder after install #18

Open bquistorff opened 2 years ago

bquistorff commented 2 years ago

Using github to install a particular version of a package, e.g. rcall, (on Windows, Stata 15) leaves behind an rcall-X.X.X folder extracted from the zip file. It would be good to have an option to delete this after installation, especially as this folder has the dynamic element of the version (e.g. "stable" -> "3.0.7"). If I'm using github in a script, it would be hard for the script to know the version always and delete the folder programmatically. It might even be good to have this option by default.

haghish commented 2 years ago

I totally agree! If "someone" kindly writes a programs that takes a directory name and removes it - for all operating systems - i gladly merge it. It is very annoying to have the unzipped directory remaining... I'm just heavily overwhelmed at the moment to develop and test such a program, no matter how simple it seems to be... please feel free to take the lead

bquistorff commented 2 years ago

Some random code I had lying around. Would need to be test.

 *@brief Recursively removes folder with files it in it
 *@param path Directory path to remove
real scalar function rmdir_complete(string scalar path)
    if (!regexm(path,"[/\]$")) path = path+"/"
    // display("{hline}{break}Entering folder "+path)

    string colvector dirs, files

    dirs  = dir(path,"dirs","*",1)
    files = dir(path,"files","*",1)

    real scalar i

