haghish / github

a module for building, searching, installing, managing, and mining Stata packages from GitHub
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github update user/repro causes error #5

Closed glennsandstrom closed 5 years ago

glennsandstrom commented 5 years ago

Trying to run the update routine causes following error using version 1.4.1

package was not found file https://api.github.com/repos//contents not found

The program is aware of the pkg being installed on my system but refuses to update it.

. github list

Date Name user/repository Action

23 Nov 2018 estimates_table_docxglennsandstrom/est~dupdate / uninstall

haghish commented 5 years ago

can you please provide the code you run?

There was a fatal error in the previous release that was fixed a few days ago. currently, it's version 1.4.5, see if uninstalling and reinstalling github will fix the problem (I hope)

haghish commented 5 years ago

Your syntax is wrong.


github update packagename

Github memorizes the username, so you only need the package name... please confirm this solves your problem

glennsandstrom commented 5 years ago

Thanks!! Sorry for not being able to read the manual. I used the username/package-name idiom. Suggestion... it would be nice to see the version of the package you have installed when you run: github list Or maybe when you run update and you have an outdated version on your system something like: installed version is v.X.X updating to v.Y.Y

Many thanks for the support.


Glenn Sandström

haghish commented 5 years ago

Stata package versioning is a mess. But I can make a call from the "releases" you make and add that to the package. I will also fix the problem you faced above in the future releases, namely, if someone also puts the username, it should move on and update the package.

PS, I checked out your repository, nice stuff!