When using the latest version of Markdoc (3.9.6), and when trying to save an HTML document, the markup option does not work, particularly for printing out the output of a command (summarize for instance) and for printing out graphs.
The following code is an example of this issue:
`qui log using example, replace
sysuse auto, clear
histogram price
/**/ img
/**/ sum price
qui log c
markdoc example, markup(html) export(html) replace`
When reverting back to the latest version of Markdoc available on SSC (3.6.9), the code above works perfectly.
When using the latest version of Markdoc (3.9.6), and when trying to save an HTML document, the markup option does not work, particularly for printing out the output of a command (summarize for instance) and for printing out graphs.
The following code is an example of this issue:
`qui log using example, replace
//OFF sysuse auto, clear histogram price //ON
/**/ img
/**/ sum price
qui log c markdoc example, markup(html) export(html) replace`
When reverting back to the latest version of Markdoc available on SSC (3.6.9), the code above works perfectly.
Thanks, Emmanuel