hagne / BaselineObsLog

Observatory Issues Log
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brw - soil_temp: coinciding oszillation in different temp channels #11

Closed hagne closed 5 years ago

hagne commented 5 years ago

Barrows soil temperature sensor shows oszillations. Is that new or a known thing?

gmd-jw commented 5 years ago

oscillations near the surface could be real, but too hard to tell with the current plots.

gmd-jw commented 5 years ago

After taking a closer look at the raw data, the oscillations do not look real. They also appear at depth, which isn't likely. I have changed the technique used to measure the thermistors, including the PIR, to see if there is an improvement. I did not see any oscillations before or after the program change when monitoring the data in real-time (for about 1 hr.).

hagne commented 5 years ago

I will keep an eye open if the oscillations persist.

gmd-jw commented 5 years ago

Confirmed by looking at data in real-time that we are just noticing the resolution of the datalogger.