hagne / BaselineObsLog

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Brw - alb - all: No data since 2018-09-20 #3

Closed hagne closed 5 years ago

hagne commented 5 years ago

There does not seam to be albedo data comming in since 2018-09-20.

hagne commented 5 years ago

Data is coming again since 2018-10-01 but UW-Longwave is missing. will keep an eye on it for a few more days before closing

hagne commented 5 years ago

Some connection need to be fixed to get the UW-Longwave ... someone is working on it.

hagne commented 5 years ago

There is also something fishy with the dome temperature. First of all its always only one channel, but that there is some strange change in color of the graph ... did the column name change? Or did some connection get swapped out?

hagne commented 5 years ago

@gmd-jw Looks like we have all the channels running now. Should we close this issue?

gmd-jw commented 5 years ago

The new Barrow albedo rack acquisition should be operating properly now. We verified PIR case and dome wiring yesterday.