hagne / BaselineObsLog

Observatory Issues Log
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Barrow: Solar Tracker Failed 2020/05/21 #46

Closed emielhall closed 4 years ago

emielhall commented 4 years ago

Peter told us that the solar tracker stopped tracking the sun on 2020/05/21. He tried to power cycle the tracker to reset and the tracker will not move. He noticed it would make a noise for a few seconds and then stop. We have started to troubleshoot potential issues but no resolution this week. The tracker is currently unplugged while we try and figure out what is going on.

emielhall commented 4 years ago

Th nylon motor gears that run the Azimuth and Elevation gears had failed resulting in the tracker not being able to move. Peter cleaned out all of the grease to verify that the teeth on the nylon gears have failed. Jim sent new nylon gears to BRW and Peter installed them on 2020/06/13. Tracker is operating normally now.