hahwul / a2sv

Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability
MIT License
618 stars 167 forks source link

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PROTOCOL_SSLv3' #8

Closed ahivapepelui closed 7 years ago

ahivapepelui commented 8 years ago
root@kali:~/a2sv# python a2sv.py -t comodo.com
 - [LOG] Check the TLS CERT
 - [LOG] Check the SSLv2 CERT
 - [LOG] SSLv2 Enable - Not same cert

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                [Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability 1.4.0]
                       [By Hahwul / www.hahwul.com]
[SET] target => comodo.com
[SET] IP Address =>
[SET] target port => 443
[SET] include => All Module

[INF] Scan CCS Injection..
 - [LOG] TLSv1.2 rejected early CCS
 - [LOG] TLSv1.1 rejected early CCS
 - [LOG] TLSv1 rejected early CCS
 - [LOG] [SSLv3] Invalid handshake.
[RES] CCS Injection Result :: 0x00
[INF] Scan HeartBleed..
 - [LOG] Sending Client Hello...
 - [LOG] Waiting for Server Hello...
 - [LOG] Sending heartbeat request..
[RES] HeartBleed :: 0x00
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "a2sv.py", line 301, in <module>
  File "a2sv.py", line 155, in runScan
    poodle_result = m_poodle_run(targetIP,port)
  File "/root/a2sv/module/M_poodle.py", line 23, in m_poodle_run
    result = test_server(hostname, port, ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3, timeout)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PROTOCOL_SSLv3'

not finish

hahwul commented 8 years ago

Does not support SSLv3 in the latest Python. I am currently looking for a different way.

Same Issues https://github.com/hahwul/a2sv/issues/4 , https://github.com/hahwul/a2sv/issues/6

hahwul commented 8 years ago

Dev plan: https://github.com/hahwul/a2sv/issues/9

gitnepal commented 7 years ago

...,.. waitin

hahwul commented 7 years ago

The latest python is a sslv3 disable. install the python2.7.9 version for temporary troubleshooting method.

#> wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.9/Python-2.7.9.tgz
#> tar -xvf Python-2.7.9.tgz
#> cd Python-2.7.9
#> ./configure
#> make; make install

I want to solve the problem with modify code. please.. give me the good idea.

um.. i think some of method

arbazkiraak commented 7 years ago

Hey @hahwul I m Too Getting Same Error ,

Any Updates on Solution ?

hahwul commented 7 years ago

@arbazhussain149 @0x00hack3r @ahivapepelui and... other users.

I have completed modifications on this issue. please update to a2sv 1.4.2. thank you :)

update case 1 #> a2sv -u

update case 2

> rm -rf a2sv

#> git clone https://github.com/hahwul/a2sv I have completed modifications on this issue. please update to a2sv 1.4.2. thank you :)

update case 1 #> a2sv -u

update case 2

> rm -rf a2sv

#> git clone https://github.com/hahwul/a2sv