Add a new flag --hide-empty-plays to not show in the graph the plays that end up being empty after applying the filters.
Add a new flag --hide-plays-without-roles to not show in the graph the plays that end up with no roles. Only roles at the play level and include_role as tasks are considered (no import_role).
coverage: 95.29% (+0.1%) from 95.173%
when pulling 01fe0c642e66b4c79d4db548313f57e451184b52 on hide-plays
into 4979cf91198e18d0e8b0f9cef6ade6c0deb1c0c5 on main.
to not show in the graph the plays that end up being empty after applying the filters.--hide-plays-without-roles
to not show in the graph the plays that end up with no roles. Only roles at the play level and include_role as tasks are considered (no import_role).Also fixe some typos.
Related to #176