haijeploeg / excludarr

Excludarr manages your libraries in Radarr/Sonarr. It keeps track of your library and checks if your movies and series are also available on a configured streaming provider. It can exclude the movies and series that are available on a configured streaming provider. But it can also re-add movies and series if they are not streaming anymore.
MIT License
197 stars 12 forks source link

TypeError: string indices must be integers #5

Closed KaHooli closed 3 years ago

KaHooli commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to run this on my Ubuntu server running Docker, so I created a container to run this script within.

Here is the setup I'm using (linked)...

FROM ubuntu:latest

LABEL maintainer="KaHooli <kahooli@cavanaghs.id.au>"
LABEL description="Uses the script from https://github.com/haijeploeg/exclude_streaming_radarr to find movies on Radarr that are also on your subscribed streaming services.  If they are, the script can work with Radarr to stop the movie from being downloaded again, and to remove the movie from storage."

  echo "**** install Python3, PIP and GIT packages ****" && \
  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y \
    python3-pip \

  echo "**** Cloning script to /script ****" && \
  git clone https://github.com/haijeploeg/exclude_streaming_radarr.git /script

WORKDIR /script
  echo "**** Installing Python packages required by the script ****" && \
  pip3 install -r requirements.txt

CMD ["python3", "exclude_streaming_from_radarr.py"]

The docker-compose file I have specifies the setting as...

    container_name: radarr-exclude
    image: kahooli/exclude_streaming_radarr:ubuntu
      - t2_proxy
      - radarr
      TMDB_API_KEY: "<removed for privacy>"
      RADARR_URL: "https://radarr.$DOMAINNAME"
      RADARR_API_KEY: "<removed for privacy>"
      RADARR_EXCLUDE_PROVIDERS: "Netflix, Disney Plus, Apple TV Plus, BINGE, Stan"

But this is the output I am getting...

radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T05:43:20.376417708Z Traceback (most recent call last):
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T05:43:20.376462120Z   File "/script/exclude_streaming_from_radarr.py", line 36, in <module>
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T05:43:20.376475173Z     providers = tmdb.movie.get_watch_providers(movie["tmdbId"])
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T05:43:20.376479305Z TypeError: string indices must be integers
radarr-exclude exited with code 1

Any ideas?

EDIT: changed container to be based on official Ubuntu container, adding Python3 PIP3 and Git, also added WORKDIR so PIP3 Install and script is run from the directory script is within. No change.

KaHooli commented 3 years ago

Not sure if the issue is with your script, or if I don't have the right dependancies installed, or something else.

haijeploeg commented 3 years ago

Hi KaHooli,

Thank you for your patience. I think is has something to do with RADARR_EXCLUDE_PROVIDERS, can you try it with netflix only?

I am currently rewriting the script to a cli bases approach, which should make things a lot easier and stable. I am planning to releasing it this weekend. I will update you when this is done :)

KaHooli commented 3 years ago

Updated my docker-compose.yml file as requested...

    container_name: radarr-exclude
    image: kahooli/exclude_streaming_radarr:dev
      - t2_proxy
      - radarr
      TMDB_API_KEY: "<removed for privacy>"
      RADARR_URL: "https://radarr.$DOMAINNAME"
      RADARR_API_KEY: "<removed for privacy>"
      # RADARR_EXCLUDE_PROVIDERS: "Netflix, Disney Plus, Apple TV Plus, BINGE, Stan"

And I'm still getting the same error...

Attaching to radarr-exclude
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T09:44:10.978390301Z Traceback (most recent call last):
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T09:44:10.978438251Z   File "/script/exclude_streaming_from_radarr.py", line 36, in <module>
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T09:44:10.978571396Z     providers = tmdb.movie.get_watch_providers(movie["tmdbId"])
radarr-exclude      | 2021-03-13T09:44:10.978593174Z TypeError: string indices must be integers
radarr-exclude exited with code 1

I've tried creating docker images with a few different linux distribution base images, each on the same location, just different tags. They are available at kahooli/exclude_streaming_radarr @ Docker Hub.

Thank-you for your work, I look forward to testing your updates :slightly_smiling_face:

haijeploeg commented 3 years ago


Strange that it is still not working. You could manually try to add the following line just above line 36

providers = tmdb.movie.get_watch_providers(movie["tmdbId"]) # << This is line 36

It seems that you are not getting a proper format from you Radarr instance. Can you try this and report the result back to me?

I have also added the new version, which you can install using: pip install excludarr see the Readme for further details. But I think you are experiencing the same problems, because I am using the same code for that piece. Do you mind first trying to add the print statement?

KaHooli commented 3 years ago

Hi πŸ˜ƒ


I've been waiting for something like this program for ages, as it should allow me to save quite a lot of hard drive space.

Here are some quick notes

Long story, incase it helps you with the development of this project...

Every time I ran the docker image I created, it would pull a fresh copy of your script. Now that you've updated the repository, I couldn't work out how to do what you asked.

I couldn't see if you've linked your repository to Docker Hub, so I forked it and did it myself for testing purposes at kahooli/excludarr. I'm happy to remove this if you do create your own image on Docker Hub.

So, I created the file excludarr.yml...

  # The country you live in, this defaults to NL when not set.
  country: AU
  # The providers you want to check, for example when you own
  # Netflix and Amazon subscription (defaults to netflix):
    - netflix
    # - Disney Plus
    # - Apple TV Plus
    # - BINGE
    # - Stan

  # The TMDB API Key, this is free, you will only need a account.
  # See: https://www.themoviedb.org/signup
  api_key: '<removed for privacy>'

  # The Radarr base url (include http of https)
  url: 'https://radarr.<removed for privacy>'
  # The Radarr api key
  api_key: '<removed for privacy>'
  # Verify the SSL connection
  verify_ssl: false

And mapped the directory it is being stored into the docker image with the following CLI from my Ubuntu server...

docker run --name excludarr-test --rm -v /home/USER/docker/excludarr:/etc/excludarr -it kahooli/excludarr:latest

I received this output...

usage: excludarr [-h] [-d] [-q] [-v] {delete} ...

Exclude streaming services such as netflix from Radarr

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug    full application debug mode
  -q, --quiet    suppress all console output
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit

    delete       Delete the media that is also available on streaming providers

Usage: excludarr delete --providers neflix --country nl

It then stopped running the container.

So, I rand the same command again, but with the delete command added to the end, and got this output...

┃ ID ┃ Title ┃ Providers ┃
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/excludarr", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('excludarr==0.1.1', 'console_scripts', 'excludarr')())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/excludarr-0.1.1-py3.8.egg/excludarr/main.py", line 50, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cement/core/foundation.py", line 916, in run
    return_val = self.controller._dispatch()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cement/ext/ext_argparse.py", line 808, in _dispatch
    return func()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/excludarr-0.1.1-py3.8.egg/excludarr/controllers/base.py", line 160, in delete_media
TypeError: string indices must be integers

Next, I ran it with both --debug delete commands added to the end of the command line, and got this..

2021-03-13 17:10:41,185 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : laying cement for the 'excludarr' application
2021-03-13 17:10:41,185 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_setup'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,185 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_setup'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,185 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_run'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,186 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_run'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,186 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_argument_parsing'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,186 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_argument_parsing'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,186 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_close'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,186 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_close'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,187 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'signal'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,187 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_render'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,187 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_render'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,187 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'add_handler_override_options' from cement.core.foundation into hooks['post_setup']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,187 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'handler_override' from cement.core.foundation into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,188 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'extension' (ExtensionInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,188 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'log' (LogInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,188 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'config' (ConfigInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,188 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'mail' (MailInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,188 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'plugin' (PluginInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,189 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'output' (OutputInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,189 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'template' (TemplateInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,189 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'argument' (ArgumentInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,189 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'controller' (ControllerInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,189 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'cache' (CacheInterface)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,190 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.core.extension.ExtensionHandler'>' into handlers['extension']['cement']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,190 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'excludarr.controllers.base.Base'>' into handlers['controller']['base']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,190 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : now setting up the 'excludarr' application
2021-03-13 17:10:41,190 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.extension handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,191 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_dummy' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,192 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,192 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyTemplateHandler'>' into handlers['template']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,192 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyMailHandler'>' into handlers['mail']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,192 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_smtp' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,265 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_smtp.SMTPMailHandler'>' into handlers['mail']['smtp']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,265 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_plugin' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,269 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_plugin.CementPluginHandler'>' into handlers['plugin']['cement']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,269 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_configparser' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,270 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_configparser.ConfigParserConfigHandler'>' into handlers['config']['configparser']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,270 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_logging' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,271 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_logging.LoggingLogHandler'>' into handlers['log']['logging']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,271 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'add_logging_arguments' from cement.ext.ext_logging into hooks['pre_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,271 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'handle_logging_arguments' from cement.ext.ext_logging into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,272 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_argparse' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,273 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_argparse.ArgparseArgumentHandler'>' into handlers['argument']['argparse']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,273 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_yaml' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,374 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'suppress_output_before_run' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,374 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'unsuppress_output_before_render' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['pre_render']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,374 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'suppress_output_after_render' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['post_render']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,374 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_yaml.YamlOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['yaml']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,375 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_yaml.YamlConfigHandler'>' into handlers['config']['yaml']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,375 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_colorlog' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,434 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_colorlog.ColorLogHandler'>' into handlers['log']['colorlog']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,434 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_print' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:10:41,435 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_print.PrintDictOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['print_dict']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,435 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_print.PrintOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['print']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,435 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'extend_print' from cement.ext.ext_print into hooks['pre_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:10:41,435 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7f10d6534280> for signal Signals.SIGTERM
2021-03-13 17:10:41,435 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7f10d6534280> for signal Signals.SIGINT
2021-03-13 17:10:41,436 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7f10d6534280> for signal Signals.SIGHUP
2021-03-13 17:10:41,436 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.config handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,436 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/etc/excludarr/excludarr.yml' exists, loading settings...
2021-03-13 17:10:41,439 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/.excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:10:41,439 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.config/excludarr/excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:10:41,439 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.excludarr/config/excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:10:41,439 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:10:41,440 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.mail handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,440 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyMailHandler object at 0x7f10d57409d0>' into section 'mail.dummy'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,440 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : no cache handler defined, skipping.
2021-03-13 17:10:41,440 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.log handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,440 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<cement.ext.ext_colorlog.ColorLogHandler object at 0x7f10d5740b50>' into section 'log.colorlog'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,441 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_logging : logging initialized for 'excludarr' using ColorLogHandler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,441 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.plugin handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,441 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.arg handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,442 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.output handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,442 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.template handler
2021-03-13 17:10:41,442 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up application controllers
2021-03-13 17:10:41,442 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f10d58c7f10>' into section 'controller.base'
2021-03-13 17:10:41,442 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_setup' (<function add_handler_override_options at 0x7f10d6ad58b0>) from cement.core.foundation
2021-03-13 17:10:41,442 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : no handlers are overridable within the output interface
2021-03-13 17:10:41,443 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : running pre_run hook
2021-03-13 17:10:41,443 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : controller dispatch passed off to <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f10d58c7f10>
2021-03-13 17:10:41,443 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : resolving controller nesting/embedding order
2021-03-13 17:10:41,443 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting commands from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f10d58c7f10> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:10:41,443 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing arguments for 'base' controller namespace
2021-03-13 17:10:41,443 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting arguments from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f10d58c7f10> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:10:41,444 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-v', '--version'], kwargs={'action': 'version', 'version': '\nExcludarr 0.1.1\nCement Framework 3.0.4\nPython 3.8.8\nPlatform Linux-5.4.0-66-generic-x86_64-with\n'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,444 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing commands for 'base' controller namespace
2021-03-13 17:10:41,444 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting commands from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f10d58c7f10> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:10:41,444 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding command 'delete' (controller=base, func=delete_media)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing arguments for 'delete' command namespace
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-p', '--providers'], kwargs={'help': 'a single streaming provider, can be set multiple times', 'action': 'append', 'default': [], 'dest': 'providers'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-c', '--country'], kwargs={'help': 'the 2 letter country code you are living in', 'action': 'store'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-t', '--type'], kwargs={'help': 'the type of endpoint to reach. Only Radarr is supported at the moment.', 'action': 'store', 'default': 'radarr', 'choices': ['radarr']})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-r', '--remove-not-found'], kwargs={'help': 'delete the movie as well when it cannot be found on tmdb', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-d', '--delete-files'], kwargs={'help': 'delete currently downloaded files as well', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-e', '--exclusion'], kwargs={'help': 'add a exclusion in Radarr to prevent future importing the movie from a list', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,445 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-l', '--legacy'], kwargs={'help': 'if this flag is set, delete the movies one by one instead of a single API call', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,446 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-f', '--force'], kwargs={'help': 'force deletion without user input', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:10:41,446 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_argument_parsing' (<function add_logging_arguments at 0x7f10d5ecbe50>) from cement.ext.ext_logging
2021-03-13 17:10:41,446 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_argument_parsing' (<function extend_print at 0x7f10d5233ee0>) from cement.ext.ext_print
2021-03-13 17:10:41,446 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : extending appication with '.print' (<function extend_print.<locals>._print at 0x7f10d523e1f0>)
2021-03-13 17:10:41,446 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function handler_override at 0x7f10d64baa60>) from cement.core.foundation
2021-03-13 17:10:41,446 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function handle_logging_arguments at 0x7f10d51be9d0>) from cement.ext.ext_logging
2021-03-13 17:10:41,447 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function suppress_output_before_run at 0x7f10d51bec10>) from cement.ext.ext_yaml
┃ ID ┃ Title ┃ Providers ┃
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/excludarr", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('excludarr==0.1.1', 'console_scripts', 'excludarr')())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/excludarr-0.1.1-py3.8.egg/excludarr/main.py", line 50, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cement/core/foundation.py", line 916, in run
    return_val = self.controller._dispatch()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cement/ext/ext_argparse.py", line 808, in _dispatch
    return func()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/excludarr-0.1.1-py3.8.egg/excludarr/controllers/base.py", line 160, in delete_media
TypeError: string indices must be integers

I can see on line 61 of the debug output that it does see my configuration file...

2021-03-13 17:10:41,436 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/etc/excludarr/excludarr.yml' exists, loading settings...

Next, instead of putting the external facing URL as I normally do with most programs, as the reverse proxy I have set up (Traefik v2) allows communication through without OAuth authentication when using the API key, I changed it to the internal network address...

  # The country you live in, this defaults to NL when not set.
  country: AU
  # The providers you want to check, for example when you own
  # Netflix and Amazon subscription (defaults to netflix):
    - netflix
    # - Disney Plus
    # - Apple TV Plus
    # - BINGE
    # - Stan

  # The TMDB API Key, this is free, you will only need a account.
  # See: https://www.themoviedb.org/signup
  api_key: '<removed for privacy>'

  # The Radarr base url (include http of https)
  # url: 'https://radarr.<removed for privacy>'
  # The Radarr api key
  api_key: '<removed for privacy>'
  # Verify the SSL connection
  verify_ssl: false

and I got this output, to which I answered No...

2021-03-13 17:18:10,389 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : laying cement for the 'excludarr' application
2021-03-13 17:18:10,389 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_setup'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,389 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_setup'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,389 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_run'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,390 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_run'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,390 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_argument_parsing'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,390 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_argument_parsing'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,390 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_close'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,391 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_close'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,391 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'signal'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,391 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_render'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,391 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_render'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,391 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'add_handler_override_options' from cement.core.foundation into hooks['post_setup']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,392 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'handler_override' from cement.core.foundation into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,392 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'extension' (ExtensionInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,392 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'log' (LogInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,392 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'config' (ConfigInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,393 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'mail' (MailInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,393 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'plugin' (PluginInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,393 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'output' (OutputInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,393 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'template' (TemplateInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,394 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'argument' (ArgumentInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,394 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'controller' (ControllerInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,394 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'cache' (CacheInterface)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,395 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.core.extension.ExtensionHandler'>' into handlers['extension']['cement']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,395 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'excludarr.controllers.base.Base'>' into handlers['controller']['base']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,395 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : now setting up the 'excludarr' application
2021-03-13 17:18:10,395 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.extension handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,396 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_dummy' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,397 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,397 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyTemplateHandler'>' into handlers['template']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,397 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyMailHandler'>' into handlers['mail']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,398 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_smtp' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,510 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_smtp.SMTPMailHandler'>' into handlers['mail']['smtp']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,510 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_plugin' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,520 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_plugin.CementPluginHandler'>' into handlers['plugin']['cement']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,520 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_configparser' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,521 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_configparser.ConfigParserConfigHandler'>' into handlers['config']['configparser']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,521 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_logging' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,522 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_logging.LoggingLogHandler'>' into handlers['log']['logging']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,522 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'add_logging_arguments' from cement.ext.ext_logging into hooks['pre_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,522 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'handle_logging_arguments' from cement.ext.ext_logging into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,522 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_argparse' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,524 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_argparse.ArgparseArgumentHandler'>' into handlers['argument']['argparse']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,524 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_yaml' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,628 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'suppress_output_before_run' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,628 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'unsuppress_output_before_render' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['pre_render']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,628 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'suppress_output_after_render' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['post_render']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,629 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_yaml.YamlOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['yaml']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,629 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_yaml.YamlConfigHandler'>' into handlers['config']['yaml']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,629 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_colorlog' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,662 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_colorlog.ColorLogHandler'>' into handlers['log']['colorlog']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,662 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_print' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:18:10,663 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_print.PrintDictOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['print_dict']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,664 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_print.PrintOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['print']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,664 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'extend_print' from cement.ext.ext_print into hooks['pre_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:18:10,664 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7fdd74330280> for signal Signals.SIGTERM
2021-03-13 17:18:10,664 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7fdd74330280> for signal Signals.SIGINT
2021-03-13 17:18:10,665 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7fdd74330280> for signal Signals.SIGHUP
2021-03-13 17:18:10,665 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.config handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,665 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/etc/excludarr/excludarr.yml' exists, loading settings...
2021-03-13 17:18:10,668 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/.excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:18:10,669 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.config/excludarr/excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:18:10,669 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.excludarr/config/excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:18:10,669 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:18:10,670 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.mail handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,670 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyMailHandler object at 0x7fdd73662790>' into section 'mail.dummy'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,670 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : no cache handler defined, skipping.
2021-03-13 17:18:10,670 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.log handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,671 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<cement.ext.ext_colorlog.ColorLogHandler object at 0x7fdd73662760>' into section 'log.colorlog'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,671 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_logging : logging initialized for 'excludarr' using ColorLogHandler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,671 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.plugin handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,672 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.arg handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,672 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.output handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,673 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.template handler
2021-03-13 17:18:10,673 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up application controllers
2021-03-13 17:18:10,673 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7fdd73974e80>' into section 'controller.base'
2021-03-13 17:18:10,674 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_setup' (<function add_handler_override_options at 0x7fdd748d18b0>) from cement.core.foundation
2021-03-13 17:18:10,674 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : no handlers are overridable within the output interface
2021-03-13 17:18:10,674 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : running pre_run hook
2021-03-13 17:18:10,675 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : controller dispatch passed off to <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7fdd73974e80>
2021-03-13 17:18:10,675 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : resolving controller nesting/embedding order
2021-03-13 17:18:10,675 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting commands from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7fdd73974e80> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:18:10,676 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing arguments for 'base' controller namespace
2021-03-13 17:18:10,676 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting arguments from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7fdd73974e80> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:18:10,676 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-v', '--version'], kwargs={'action': 'version', 'version': '\nExcludarr 0.1.1\nCement Framework 3.0.4\nPython 3.8.8\nPlatform Linux-5.4.0-66-generic-x86_64-with\n'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,677 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing commands for 'base' controller namespace
2021-03-13 17:18:10,677 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting commands from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7fdd73974e80> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:18:10,677 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding command 'delete' (controller=base, func=delete_media)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,678 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing arguments for 'delete' command namespace
2021-03-13 17:18:10,678 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-p', '--providers'], kwargs={'help': 'a single streaming provider, can be set multiple times', 'action': 'append', 'default': [], 'dest': 'providers'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,678 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-c', '--country'], kwargs={'help': 'the 2 letter country code you are living in', 'action': 'store'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,679 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-t', '--type'], kwargs={'help': 'the type of endpoint to reach. Only Radarr is supported at the moment.', 'action': 'store', 'default': 'radarr', 'choices': ['radarr']})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,679 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-r', '--remove-not-found'], kwargs={'help': 'delete the movie as well when it cannot be found on tmdb', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,679 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-d', '--delete-files'], kwargs={'help': 'delete currently downloaded files as well', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,680 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-e', '--exclusion'], kwargs={'help': 'add a exclusion in Radarr to prevent future importing the movie from a list', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,680 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-l', '--legacy'], kwargs={'help': 'if this flag is set, delete the movies one by one instead of a single API call', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,680 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-f', '--force'], kwargs={'help': 'force deletion without user input', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:18:10,681 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_argument_parsing' (<function add_logging_arguments at 0x7fdd7337de50>) from cement.ext.ext_logging
2021-03-13 17:18:10,681 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_argument_parsing' (<function extend_print at 0x7fdd73cbfee0>) from cement.ext.ext_print
2021-03-13 17:18:10,681 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : extending appication with '.print' (<function extend_print.<locals>._print at 0x7fdd73cc21f0>)
2021-03-13 17:18:10,682 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function handler_override at 0x7fdd742b6a60>) from cement.core.foundation
2021-03-13 17:18:10,682 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function handle_logging_arguments at 0x7fdd72f759d0>) from cement.ext.ext_logging
2021-03-13 17:18:10,682 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function suppress_output_before_run at 0x7fdd72f75c10>) from cement.ext.ext_yaml
┃ ID ┃ Title ┃ Providers ┃
Are you sure you want to delete the movies listed in the table from radarr? (y/N) n
2021-03-13 17:21:26,666 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : running post_run hook
2021-03-13 17:21:26,667 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : closing the excludarr application

Some progress, so next I allowed all providers in my list...

  # The country you live in, this defaults to NL when not set.
  country: AU
  # The providers you want to check, for example when you own
  # Netflix and Amazon subscription (defaults to netflix):
    - Netflix
    - Disney Plus
    - Apple TV Plus
    - BINGE
    - Stan

  # The TMDB API Key, this is free, you will only need a account.
  # See: https://www.themoviedb.org/signup
  api_key: '<removed for privacy>'

  # The Radarr base url (include http of https)
  # url: 'https://radarr<removed for privacy>'
  # The Radarr api key
  api_key: '<removed for privacy>'
  # Verify the SSL connection
  verify_ssl: false

And this is the output!

2021-03-13 17:22:41,721 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : laying cement for the 'excludarr' application
2021-03-13 17:22:41,721 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_setup'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,721 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_setup'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,721 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_run'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,721 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_run'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,721 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_argument_parsing'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,722 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_argument_parsing'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,722 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_close'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,722 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_close'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,722 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'signal'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,722 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'pre_render'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,722 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : defining hook 'post_render'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,723 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'add_handler_override_options' from cement.core.foundation into hooks['post_setup']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,723 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'handler_override' from cement.core.foundation into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,723 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'extension' (ExtensionInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,723 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'log' (LogInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,723 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'config' (ConfigInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'mail' (MailInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'plugin' (PluginInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'output' (OutputInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'template' (TemplateInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'argument' (ArgumentInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'controller' (ControllerInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.interface : defining interface 'cache' (CacheInterface)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,724 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.core.extension.ExtensionHandler'>' into handlers['extension']['cement']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,725 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'excludarr.controllers.base.Base'>' into handlers['controller']['base']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,725 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : now setting up the 'excludarr' application
2021-03-13 17:22:41,725 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.extension handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,725 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_dummy' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,726 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,726 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyTemplateHandler'>' into handlers['template']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,726 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyMailHandler'>' into handlers['mail']['dummy']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,726 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_smtp' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,807 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_smtp.SMTPMailHandler'>' into handlers['mail']['smtp']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,808 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_plugin' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,814 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_plugin.CementPluginHandler'>' into handlers['plugin']['cement']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,814 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_configparser' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,815 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_configparser.ConfigParserConfigHandler'>' into handlers['config']['configparser']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,815 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_logging' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,816 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_logging.LoggingLogHandler'>' into handlers['log']['logging']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,817 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'add_logging_arguments' from cement.ext.ext_logging into hooks['pre_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,817 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'handle_logging_arguments' from cement.ext.ext_logging into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,817 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_argparse' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,818 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_argparse.ArgparseArgumentHandler'>' into handlers['argument']['argparse']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,818 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_yaml' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,921 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'suppress_output_before_run' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['post_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,922 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'unsuppress_output_before_render' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['pre_render']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,922 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'suppress_output_after_render' from cement.ext.ext_yaml into hooks['post_render']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,922 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_yaml.YamlOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['yaml']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,923 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_yaml.YamlConfigHandler'>' into handlers['config']['yaml']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,923 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_colorlog' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,969 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_colorlog.ColorLogHandler'>' into handlers['log']['colorlog']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,969 (DEBUG) cement.core.extension : loading the 'cement.ext.ext_print' framework extension
2021-03-13 17:22:41,970 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_print.PrintDictOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['print_dict']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,970 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : registering handler '<class 'cement.ext.ext_print.PrintOutputHandler'>' into handlers['output']['print']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,971 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : registering hook 'extend_print' from cement.ext.ext_print into hooks['pre_argument_parsing']
2021-03-13 17:22:41,971 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7f4955923280> for signal Signals.SIGTERM
2021-03-13 17:22:41,971 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7f4955923280> for signal Signals.SIGINT
2021-03-13 17:22:41,971 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : adding signal handler <function cement_signal_handler at 0x7f4955923280> for signal Signals.SIGHUP
2021-03-13 17:22:41,972 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.config handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,972 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/etc/excludarr/excludarr.yml' exists, loading settings...
2021-03-13 17:22:41,977 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/.excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:22:41,977 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.config/excludarr/excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:22:41,977 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.excludarr/config/excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:22:41,978 (DEBUG) cement.core.config : config file '/root/.excludarr.yml' does not exist, skipping...
2021-03-13 17:22:41,978 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.mail handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,978 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<cement.ext.ext_dummy.DummyMailHandler object at 0x7f4954f889d0>' into section 'mail.dummy'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,978 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : no cache handler defined, skipping.
2021-03-13 17:22:41,979 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.log handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,979 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<cement.ext.ext_colorlog.ColorLogHandler object at 0x7f4954f88fa0>' into section 'log.colorlog'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,979 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_logging : logging initialized for 'excludarr' using ColorLogHandler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,979 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.plugin handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,980 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.arg handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,980 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.output handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,981 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up excludarr.template handler
2021-03-13 17:22:41,981 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : setting up application controllers
2021-03-13 17:22:41,981 (DEBUG) cement.core.handler : merging config defaults from '<excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f49552c3430>' into section 'controller.base'
2021-03-13 17:22:41,981 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_setup' (<function add_handler_override_options at 0x7f4955ec48b0>) from cement.core.foundation
2021-03-13 17:22:41,982 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : no handlers are overridable within the output interface
2021-03-13 17:22:41,982 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : running pre_run hook
2021-03-13 17:22:41,982 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : controller dispatch passed off to <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f49552c3430>
2021-03-13 17:22:41,982 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : resolving controller nesting/embedding order
2021-03-13 17:22:41,982 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting commands from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f49552c3430> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:22:41,983 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing arguments for 'base' controller namespace
2021-03-13 17:22:41,983 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting arguments from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f49552c3430> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:22:41,983 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-v', '--version'], kwargs={'action': 'version', 'version': '\nExcludarr 0.1.1\nCement Framework 3.0.4\nPython 3.8.8\nPlatform Linux-5.4.0-66-generic-x86_64-with\n'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,983 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing commands for 'base' controller namespace
2021-03-13 17:22:41,984 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : collecting commands from <excludarr.controllers.base.Base object at 0x7f49552c3430> (stacked_on='base', stacked_type='embedded')
2021-03-13 17:22:41,984 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding command 'delete' (controller=base, func=delete_media)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,984 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : processing arguments for 'delete' command namespace
2021-03-13 17:22:41,985 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-p', '--providers'], kwargs={'help': 'a single streaming provider, can be set multiple times', 'action': 'append', 'default': [], 'dest': 'providers'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,985 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-c', '--country'], kwargs={'help': 'the 2 letter country code you are living in', 'action': 'store'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,985 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-t', '--type'], kwargs={'help': 'the type of endpoint to reach. Only Radarr is supported at the moment.', 'action': 'store', 'default': 'radarr', 'choices': ['radarr']})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,985 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-r', '--remove-not-found'], kwargs={'help': 'delete the movie as well when it cannot be found on tmdb', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,985 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-d', '--delete-files'], kwargs={'help': 'delete currently downloaded files as well', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,986 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-e', '--exclusion'], kwargs={'help': 'add a exclusion in Radarr to prevent future importing the movie from a list', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,986 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-l', '--legacy'], kwargs={'help': 'if this flag is set, delete the movies one by one instead of a single API call', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,986 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_argparse : adding argument (args=['-f', '--force'], kwargs={'help': 'force deletion without user input', 'action': 'store_true'})
2021-03-13 17:22:41,986 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_argument_parsing' (<function add_logging_arguments at 0x7f4954972e50>) from cement.ext.ext_logging
2021-03-13 17:22:41,986 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_argument_parsing' (<function extend_print at 0x7f49554f6ee0>) from cement.ext.ext_print
2021-03-13 17:22:41,986 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : extending appication with '.print' (<function extend_print.<locals>._print at 0x7f49555021f0>)
2021-03-13 17:22:41,987 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function handler_override at 0x7f49558a9a60>) from cement.core.foundation
2021-03-13 17:22:41,987 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function handle_logging_arguments at 0x7f49545699d0>) from cement.ext.ext_logging
2021-03-13 17:22:41,987 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_argument_parsing' (<function suppress_output_before_run at 0x7f4954569c10>) from cement.ext.ext_yaml
┃ ID  ┃ Title                                                          ┃ Providers     ┃
β”‚ 6   β”‚ Mary Poppins                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 8   β”‚ The Sound of Music                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 9   β”‚ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang                                        β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 11  β”‚ Fiddler on the Roof                                            β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 14  β”‚ Close Encounters of the Third Kind                             β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 15  β”‚ Star Wars                                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 18  β”‚ The Empire Strikes Back                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 19  β”‚ Raiders of the Lost Ark                                        β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 20  β”‚ The Meaning of Life                                            β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 21  β”‚ Return of the Jedi                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 23  β”‚ Gremlins                                                       β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 24  β”‚ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom                           β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 30  β”‚ Top Gun                                                        β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 32  β”‚ Good Morning, Vietnam                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 33  β”‚ Big                                                            β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 34  β”‚ Die Hard                                                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 39  β”‚ Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure                               β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 40  β”‚ Dead Poets Society                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 45  β”‚ Back to the Future Part III                                    β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 46  β”‚ Die Hard 2                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 48  β”‚ Home Alone                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 49  β”‚ The Hunt for Red October                                       β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 50  β”‚ Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey                                     β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 51  β”‚ Hook                                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 53  β”‚ Aladdin                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 55  β”‚ A Few Good Men                                                 β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 56  β”‚ Home Alone 2: Lost in New York                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 58  β”‚ Patriot Games                                                  β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 62  β”‚ Hocus Pocus                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 64  β”‚ Mrs. Doubtfire                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 65  β”‚ Much Ado About Nothing                                         β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 66  β”‚ Philadelphia                                                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 67  β”‚ Schindler's List                                               β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 68  β”‚ Sleepless in Seattle                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 70  β”‚ Ace Ventura: Pet Detective                                     β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 72  β”‚ Forrest Gump                                                   β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 74  β”‚ The Lion King                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 75  β”‚ Pulp Fiction                                                   β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 77  β”‚ Stargate                                                       β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 80  β”‚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 84  β”‚ Toy Story                                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 87  β”‚ Independence Day                                               β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 88  β”‚ Jerry Maguire                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 89  β”‚ Mission: Impossible                                            β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 90  β”‚ That Thing You Do!                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 92  β”‚ Con Air                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 94  β”‚ Flubber                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 95  β”‚ Good Will Hunting                                              β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 96  β”‚ Home Alone 3                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 98  β”‚ Liar Liar                                                      β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 99  β”‚ The Lost World: Jurassic Park                                  β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 103 β”‚ Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 104 β”‚ Starship Troopers                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 105 β”‚ Titanic                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 106 β”‚ Toy Story 2                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 108 β”‚ Armageddon                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 109 β”‚ The Green Mile                                                 β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 111 β”‚ Mission: Impossible II                                         β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 112 β”‚ The Prince of Egypt                                            β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 115 β”‚ X-Men                                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 117 β”‚ Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 118 β”‚ Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 119 β”‚ Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 120 β”‚ Shrek                                                          β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 122 β”‚ Patch Adams                                                    β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 123 β”‚ There's Something About Mary                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 124 β”‚ The Matrix                                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 125 β”‚ Planet of the Apes                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 128 β”‚ Charlie's Angels                                               β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 130 β”‚ The Sum of All Fears                                           β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 133 β”‚ The Sixth Sense                                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 135 β”‚ Gladiator                                                      β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 137 β”‚ Monsters, Inc.                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 138 β”‚ Moulin Rouge!                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 140 β”‚ Unbreakable                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 141 β”‚ The Matrix Reloaded                                            β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 142 β”‚ Ocean's Eleven                                                 β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 143 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone                       β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 144 β”‚ The Matrix Revolutions                                         β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 146 β”‚ Billy Elliot                                                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 148 β”‚ Ghost Rider                                                    β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 150 β”‚ Catch Me If You Can                                            β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 152 β”‚ Finding Nemo                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 153 β”‚ Ice Age                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 154 β”‚ A Beautiful Mind                                               β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 157 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 158 β”‚ Shrek 2                                                        β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 160 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban                       β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 161 β”‚ Anger Management                                               β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 162 β”‚ Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle                                β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 163 β”‚ Love Actually                                                  β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 166 β”‚ Cars                                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 167 β”‚ The Incredibles                                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 168 β”‚ The Italian Job                                                β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 169 β”‚ Mission: Impossible III                                        β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 170 β”‚ The Day After Tomorrow                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 171 β”‚ Kingdom of Heaven                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 172 β”‚ The Last Samurai                                               β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 173 β”‚ Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 176 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire                            β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 177 β”‚ Something's Gotta Give                                         β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 178 β”‚ Live Free or Die Hard                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 180 β”‚ I, Robot                                                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 183 β”‚ Ocean's Twelve                                                 β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 190 β”‚ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 191 β”‚ Happy Feet                                                     β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 193 β”‚ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory                              β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 194 β”‚ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull             β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 195 β”‚ National Treasure                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 198 β”‚ Iron Man                                                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 200 β”‚ Team America: World Police                                     β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 202 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix                      β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 204 β”‚ Astro Boy                                                      β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 205 β”‚ X-Men: The Last Stand                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 207 β”‚ Casino Royale                                                  β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 208 β”‚ The Da Vinci Code                                              β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 209 β”‚ Ratatouille                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 210 β”‚ Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 211 β”‚ Memoirs of a Geisha                                            β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 212 β”‚ Tangled                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 214 β”‚ Pooh's Heffalump Movie                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 215 β”‚ War of the Worlds                                              β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 216 β”‚ Cowboys & Aliens                                               β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 217 β”‚ Evan Almighty                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 220 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince                         β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 222 β”‚ The Tale of Despereaux                                         β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 225 β”‚ Toy Story 3                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 227 β”‚ Alita: Battle Angel                                            β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 229 β”‚ Ice Age: The Meltdown                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 236 β”‚ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 237 β”‚ Wonder Woman                                                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 238 β”‚ Gone Baby Gone                                                 β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 245 β”‚ Captain America: The First Avenger                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 246 β”‚ The Devil Wears Prada                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 247 β”‚ The Simpsons Movie                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 250 β”‚ National Treasure: Book of Secrets                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 252 β”‚ Hail, Caesar!                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 254 β”‚ Night at the Museum                                            β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 255 β”‚ Ant-Man                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 257 β”‚ Season of the Witch                                            β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 259 β”‚ The Croods                                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 260 β”‚ Man of the Year                                                β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 264 β”‚ Ocean's Thirteen                                               β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 265 β”‚ The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 266 β”‚ Avatar                                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 268 β”‚ Black Sheep                                                    β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 271 β”‚ Mamma Mia!                                                     β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 272 β”‚ Thor                                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 274 β”‚ Warcraft                                                       β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 278 β”‚ Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 282 β”‚ Quantum of Solace                                              β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 285 β”‚ The Avengers                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 286 β”‚ Battle for Terra                                               β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 287 β”‚ Super Troopers 2                                               β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 293 β”‚ WALLΒ·E                                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 294 β”‚ The Legend of Tarzan                                           β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 295 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 297 β”‚ Taken                                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 299 β”‚ The Sorcerer's Apprentice                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 300 β”‚ Justice League                                                 β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 301 β”‚ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 302 β”‚ The Adventures of Tintin                                       β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 303 β”‚ Sherlock Holmes                                                β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 304 β”‚ The Iron Lady                                                  β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 305 β”‚ Slumdog Millionaire                                            β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 307 β”‚ Alice in Wonderland                                            β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 311 β”‚ Iron Sky                                                       β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 314 β”‚ Up                                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 319 β”‚ Yes Man                                                        β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 323 β”‚ Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 324 β”‚ Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 326 β”‚ Bill & Ted Face the Music                                      β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 333 β”‚ Zombieland                                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 335 β”‚ The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug                            β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 338 β”‚ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 342 β”‚ Doctor Strange                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 345 β”‚ Iron Man 2                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 346 β”‚ Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol                           β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 347 β”‚ RED                                                            β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 351 β”‚ X-Men: First Class                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 354 β”‚ Ghostbusters                                                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 358 β”‚ The Hustle                                                     β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 359 β”‚ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 360 β”‚ Iron Man 3                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 364 β”‚ Rise of the Planet of the Apes                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 371 β”‚ Tomb Raider                                                    β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 376 β”‚ We Bought a Zoo                                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 378 β”‚ The Hunger Games                                               β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 379 β”‚ Mad Max: Fury Road                                             β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 381 β”‚ It                                                             β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 382 β”‚ Taken 2                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 385 β”‚ Happy Feet Two                                                 β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 386 β”‚ Star Trek Into Darkness                                        β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 388 β”‚ The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 390 β”‚ Deadpool                                                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 392 β”‚ Prometheus                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 393 β”‚ Winnie the Pooh                                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 397 β”‚ Bridget Jones's Baby                                           β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 401 β”‚ The Greatest Showman                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 402 β”‚ Central Intelligence                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 403 β”‚ The Lego Movie                                                 β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 405 β”‚ The King's Speech                                              β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 406 β”‚ Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows                             β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 408 β”‚ Daddy's Home                                                   β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 410 β”‚ Captain Phillips                                               β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 412 β”‚ Overboard                                                      β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 418 β”‚ Machine Gun Preacher                                           β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 419 β”‚ The Commuter                                                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 422 β”‚ A Good Day to Die Hard                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 427 β”‚ A Wrinkle in Time                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 429 β”‚ Independence Day: Resurgence                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 435 β”‚ Goodbye Christopher Robin                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 436 β”‚ Cinderella                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 438 β”‚ Ice Age: Continental Drift                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 444 β”‚ Absolutely Anything                                            β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 447 β”‚ Ender's Game                                                   β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 450 β”‚ Tad, the Lost Explorer                                         β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 452 β”‚ Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales               β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 455 β”‚ Black Panther                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 459 β”‚ Captain America: The Winter Soldier                            β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 462 β”‚ Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 465 β”‚ X-Men: Days of Future Past                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 469 β”‚ Flight                                                         β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 470 β”‚ Thanks for Sharing                                             β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 471 β”‚ Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 473 β”‚ Ford v Ferrari                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 474 β”‚ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire                                β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 475 β”‚ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1                          β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 476 β”‚ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2                          β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 477 β”‚ Tomorrowland                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 479 β”‚ Toy Story 4                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 480 β”‚ The Good Dinosaur                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 482 β”‚ Thor: The Dark World                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 483 β”‚ Pitch Perfect                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 487 β”‚ Guardians of the Galaxy                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 488 β”‚ Non-Stop                                                       β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 489 β”‚ 12 Years a Slave                                               β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 491 β”‚ The Great Wall                                                 β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 497 β”‚ Dawn of the Planet of the Apes                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 498 β”‚ Transformers: Age of Extinction                                β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 502 β”‚ Saving Mr. Banks                                               β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 506 β”‚ The Monuments Men                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 507 β”‚ Home                                                           β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 511 β”‚ Big Hero 6                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 513 β”‚ Kung Fu Panda 3                                                β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 515 β”‚ Finding Dory                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 518 β”‚ Minions                                                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 519 β”‚ Frozen                                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 520 β”‚ Sherlock Gnomes                                                β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 522 β”‚ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies                      β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 523 β”‚ Alien: Covenant                                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 528 β”‚ The Mummy                                                      β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 529 β”‚ Spectre                                                        β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 530 β”‚ Coco                                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 532 β”‚ The Huntsman: Winter's War                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 537 β”‚ Avengers: Age of Ultron                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 540 β”‚ The Magnificent Seven                                          β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 541 β”‚ Atomic Blonde                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 542 β”‚ Toy Story of Terror!                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 543 β”‚ Taken 3                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 545 β”‚ Star Wars: The Force Awakens                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 547 β”‚ Star Wars: The Last Jedi                                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 548 β”‚ Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker                               β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 549 β”‚ Arrival                                                        β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 552 β”‚ The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 556 β”‚ Alice Through the Looking Glass                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 561 β”‚ Ben-Hur                                                        β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 564 β”‚ Me Before You                                                  β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 565 β”‚ Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 569 β”‚ The Secret Life of Pets                                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 570 β”‚ Beauty and the Beast                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 571 β”‚ Pete's Dragon                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 573 β”‚ Kingsman: The Secret Service                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 575 β”‚ Pitch Perfect 2                                                β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 586 β”‚ Zootopia                                                       β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 587 β”‚ Soul                                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 593 β”‚ The Lego Ninjago Movie                                         β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 595 β”‚ The Jungle Book                                                β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 596 β”‚ Inferno                                                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 598 β”‚ Artemis Fowl                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 609 β”‚ Sully                                                          β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 612 β”‚ Logan                                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 615 β”‚ The Secret Scripture                                           β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 616 β”‚ Tolkien                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 618 β”‚ X-Men: Apocalypse                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 620 β”‚ Murder on the Orient Express                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 622 β”‚ Ferdinand                                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 623 β”‚ Ice Age: Collision Course                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 625 β”‚ War for the Planet of the Apes                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 627 β”‚ Despicable Me 3                                                β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 628 β”‚ Sing                                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 629 β”‚ Toy Story That Time Forgot                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 632 β”‚ Captain America: Civil War                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 633 β”‚ Thor: Ragnarok                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 636 β”‚ Moana                                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 639 β”‚ Cars 3                                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 640 β”‚ Incredibles 2                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 643 β”‚ The Martian                                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 646 β”‚ The BFG                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 647 β”‚ Underworld: Blood Wars                                         β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 649 β”‚ Kong: Skull Island                                             β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 652 β”‚ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 653 β”‚ My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 656 β”‚ Solo: A Star Wars Story                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 660 β”‚ Dumbo                                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 663 β”‚ Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas             β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 664 β”‚ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 672 β”‚ The Lego Batman Movie                                          β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 675 β”‚ My Little Pony: The Movie                                      β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 676 β”‚ Captain Marvel                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 677 β”‚ Avengers: Infinity War                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 678 β”‚ Avengers: Endgame                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 680 β”‚ Strange Magic                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 681 β”‚ Jason Bourne                                                   β”‚ binge, stan   β”‚
β”‚ 687 β”‚ John Wick: Chapter 2                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 693 β”‚ Frozen II                                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 696 β”‚ Mulan                                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 697 β”‚ Christopher Robin                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 700 β”‚ The Fate of the Furious                                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 703 β”‚ Kingsman: The Golden Circle                                    β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 714 β”‚ Maleficent: Mistress of Evil                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 717 β”‚ Mother's Day                                                   β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 718 β”‚ Hidden Figures                                                 β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 723 β”‚ Amazing Grace                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 726 β”‚ Dunkirk                                                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 727 β”‚ Mary Poppins Returns                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 731 β”‚ The Favourite                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 732 β”‚ Ant-Man and the Wasp                                           β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 745 β”‚ Life                                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 746 β”‚ Deadpool 2                                                     β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 751 β”‚ The Nutcracker and the Four Realms                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 753 β”‚ The Shape of Water                                             β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 760 β”‚ Cats                                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 762 β”‚ Cold Pursuit                                                   β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 767 β”‚ Spies in Disguise                                              β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 769 β”‚ Ralph Breaks the Internet                                      β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 775 β”‚ Greyhound                                                      β”‚ apple tv plus β”‚
β”‚ 777 β”‚ The Lion King                                                  β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 779 β”‚ Aladdin                                                        β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 791 β”‚ The Post                                                       β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 794 β”‚ Abominable                                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 795 β”‚ Mary and the Witch's Flower                                    β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 797 β”‚ Creed II                                                       β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 799 β”‚ Bombshell                                                      β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 800 β”‚ Downton Abbey                                                  β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 803 β”‚ Terminator: Dark Fate                                          β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 809 β”‚ Dark Phoenix                                                   β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 813 β”‚ Dolittle                                                       β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 829 β”‚ Onward                                                         β”‚ disney plus   β”‚
β”‚ 838 β”‚ Judy                                                           β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 839 β”‚ Red Joan                                                       β”‚ stan          β”‚
β”‚ 850 β”‚ Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion                        β”‚ binge         β”‚
β”‚ 864 β”‚ Knives Out                                                     β”‚ binge         β”‚
Are you sure you want to delete the movies listed in the table from radarr? (y/N) y
2021-03-13 17:31:59,569 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'pre_render' (<function unsuppress_output_before_render at 0x7f49552d5310>) from cement.ext.ext_yaml
2021-03-13 17:31:59,569 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : pre_render hook did not return a dict().
2021-03-13 17:31:59,569 (DEBUG) cement.ext.ext_print : rendering content as text via cement.ext.ext_print
2021-03-13 17:31:59,569 (DEBUG) cement.core.hook : running hook 'post_render' (<function suppress_output_after_render at 0x7f49552d5550>) from cement.ext.ext_yaml
2021-03-13 17:31:59,569 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : post_render hook did not return a str()
Succesfully deleted the movies from Radarr
2021-03-13 17:31:59,570 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : running post_run hook
2021-03-13 17:31:59,570 (DEBUG) cement.core.foundation : closing the excludarr application

The odd thing is there is no movies listed with being with Netflix, even though I know I have some.

In the Radarr logs I can see this...

2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mary Poppins (1964)][tt0058331, 433]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Sound of Music (1965)][tt0059742, 15121]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)][tt0062803, 11708]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Fiddler on the Roof (1971)][tt0067093, 14811]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)][tt0075860, 840]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars (1977)][tt0076759, 11]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Empire Strikes Back (1980)][tt0080684, 1891]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)][tt0082971, 85]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Meaning of Life (1983)][tt0085959, 4543]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Return of the Jedi (1983)][tt0086190, 1892]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Gremlins (1984)][tt0087363, 927]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)][tt0087469, 87]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Top Gun (1986)][tt0092099, 744]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)][tt0093105, 801]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Big (1988)][tt0094737, 2280]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Die Hard (1988)][tt0095016, 562]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)][tt0096928, 1648]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Dead Poets Society (1989)][tt0097165, 207]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Back to the Future Part III (1990)][tt0099088, 196]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Die Hard 2 (1990)][tt0099423, 1573]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Home Alone (1990)][tt0099785, 771]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hunt for Red October (1990)][tt0099810, 1669]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991)][tt0101452, 1649]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Hook (1991)][tt0102057, 879]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Aladdin (1992)][tt0103639, 812]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [A Few Good Men (1992)][tt0104257, 881]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)][tt0104431, 772]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Patriot Games (1992)][tt0105112, 9869]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Hocus Pocus (1993)][tt0107120, 10439]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)][tt0107614, 788]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Much Ado About Nothing (1993)][tt0107616, 11971]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Philadelphia (1993)][tt0107818, 9800]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Schindler's List (1993)][tt0108052, 424]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Sleepless in Seattle (1993)][tt0108160, 858]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)][tt0109040, 3049]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Forrest Gump (1994)][tt0109830, 13]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Lion King (1994)][tt0110357, 8587]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pulp Fiction (1994)][tt0110912, 680]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Stargate (1994)][tt0111282, 2164]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)][tt0112864, 1572]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Toy Story (1995)][tt0114709, 862]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Independence Day (1996)][tt0116629, 602]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Jerry Maguire (1996)][tt0116695, 9390]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mission: Impossible (1996)][tt0117060, 954]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [That Thing You Do! (1996)][tt0117887, 9591]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Con Air (1997)][tt0118880, 1701]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Flubber (1997)][tt0119137, 9574]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Good Will Hunting (1997)][tt0119217, 489]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Home Alone 3 (1997)][tt0119303, 9714]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Liar Liar (1997)][tt0119528, 1624]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)][tt0119567, 330]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin (1997)][tt0119918, 14903]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Starship Troopers (1997)][tt0120201, 563]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Titanic (1997)][tt0120338, 597]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Toy Story 2 (1999)][tt0120363, 863]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Armageddon (1998)][tt0120591, 95]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Green Mile (1999)][tt0120689, 497]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mission: Impossible II (2000)][tt0120755, 955]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Prince of Egypt (1998)][tt0120794, 9837]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [X-Men (2000)][tt0120903, 36657]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)][tt0120915, 1893]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)][tt0121765, 1894]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)][tt0121766, 1895]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Shrek (2001)][tt0126029, 808]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Patch Adams (1998)][tt0129290, 10312]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [There's Something About Mary (1998)][tt0129387, 544]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Matrix (1999)][tt0133093, 603]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Planet of the Apes (2001)][tt0133152, 869]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Charlie's Angels (2000)][tt0160127, 4327]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Sum of All Fears (2002)][tt0164184, 4614]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Sixth Sense (1999)][tt0167404, 745]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Gladiator (2000)][tt0172495, 98]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Monsters, Inc. (2001)][tt0198781, 585]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Moulin Rouge! (2001)][tt0203009, 824]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Unbreakable (2000)][tt0217869, 9741]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Matrix Reloaded (2003)][tt0234215, 604]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ocean's Eleven (2001)][tt0240772, 161]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)][tt0241527, 671]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Matrix Revolutions (2003)][tt0242653, 605]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Billy Elliot (2000)][tt0249462, 71]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ghost Rider (2007)][tt0259324, 1250]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Catch Me If You Can (2002)][tt0264464, 640]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Finding Nemo (2003)][tt0266543, 12]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ice Age (2002)][tt0268380, 425]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [A Beautiful Mind (2001)][tt0268978, 453]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)][tt0295297, 672]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Shrek 2 (2004)][tt0298148, 809]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)][tt0304141, 673]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Anger Management (2003)][tt0305224, 9506]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)][tt0305357, 9471]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Love Actually (2003)][tt0314331, 508]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Cars (2006)][tt0317219, 920]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Incredibles (2004)][tt0317705, 9806]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Italian Job (2003)][tt0317740, 9654]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mission: Impossible III (2006)][tt0317919, 956]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Day After Tomorrow (2004)][tt0319262, 435]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Kingdom of Heaven (2005)][tt0320661, 1495]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Last Samurai (2003)][tt0325710, 616]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)][tt0325980, 22]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)][tt0330373, 674]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Something's Gotta Give (2003)][tt0337741, 6964]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Live Free or Die Hard (2007)][tt0337978, 1571]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [I, Robot (2004)][tt0343818, 2048]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ocean's Twelve (2004)][tt0349903, 163]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)][tt0363771, 411]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Happy Feet (2006)][tt0366548, 9836]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)][tt0367594, 118]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)][tt0367882, 217]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [National Treasure (2004)][tt0368891, 2059]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Iron Man (2008)][tt0371746, 1726]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Team America: World Police (2004)][tt0372588, 3989]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)][tt0373889, 675]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Astro Boy (2009)][tt0375568, 16577]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)][tt0376994, 36668]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Casino Royale (2006)][tt0381061, 36557]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Da Vinci Code (2006)][tt0382625, 591]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ratatouille (2007)][tt0382932, 2062]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)][tt0383574, 58]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)][tt0397535, 1904]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Tangled (2010)][tt0398286, 38757]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005)][tt0407121, 13682]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [War of the Worlds (2005)][tt0407304, 74]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Cowboys & Aliens (2011)][tt0409847, 49849]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Evan Almighty (2007)][tt0413099, 2698]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)][tt0417741, 767]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Tale of Despereaux (2008)][tt0420238, 10199]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Toy Story 3 (2010)][tt0435761, 10193]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Alita: Battle Angel (2019)][tt0437086, 399579]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)][tt0438097, 950]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)][tt0449088, 285]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Wonder Woman (2017)][tt0451279, 297762]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Gone Baby Gone (2007)][tt0452623, 4771]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)][tt0458339, 1771]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Devil Wears Prada (2006)][tt0458352, 350]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Simpsons Movie (2007)][tt0462538, 35]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)][tt0465234, 6637]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Hail, Caesar! (2016)][tt0475290, 270487]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Night at the Museum (2006)][tt0477347, 1593]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ant-Man (2015)][tt0478970, 102899]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Season of the Witch (2011)][tt0479997, 23047]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Croods (2013)][tt0481499, 49519]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Man of the Year (2006)][tt0483726, 9895]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ocean's Thirteen (2007)][tt0496806, 298]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)][tt0499448, 2454]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Avatar (2009)][tt0499549, 19995]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Black Sheep (2006)][tt0779982, 3603]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mamma Mia! (2008)][tt0795421, 11631]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Thor (2011)][tt0800369, 10195]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Warcraft (2016)][tt0803096, 68735]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)][tt0814255, 32657]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Quantum of Solace (2008)][tt0830515, 10764]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Avengers (2012)][tt0848228, 24428]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Battle for Terra (2007)][tt0858486, 16873]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Super Troopers 2 (2018)][tt0859635, 50022]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [WALL·E (2008)][tt0910970, 10681]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Legend of Tarzan (2016)][tt0918940, 258489]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)][tt0926084, 12444]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Taken (2008)][tt0936501, 8681]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)][tt0963966, 27022]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Justice League (2017)][tt0974015, 141052]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)][tt0980970, 10140]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Adventures of Tintin (2011)][tt0983193, 17578]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Sherlock Holmes (2009)][tt0988045, 10528]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Iron Lady (2011)][tt1007029, 71688]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Slumdog Millionaire (2008)][tt1010048, 12405]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Alice in Wonderland (2010)][tt1014759, 12155]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Iron Sky (2012)][tt1034314, 10679]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Up (2009)][tt1049413, 14160]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Yes Man (2008)][tt1068680, 10201]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)][tt1078912, 18360]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)][tt1080016, 8355]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)][tt1086064, 501979]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Zombieland (2009)][tt1156398, 19908]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)][tt1170358, 57158]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)][tt1201607, 12445]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Doctor Strange (2016)][tt1211837, 284052]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Iron Man 2 (2010)][tt1228705, 10138]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)][tt1229238, 56292]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [RED (2010)][tt1245526, 39514]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [X-Men: First Class (2011)][tt1270798, 49538]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ghostbusters (2016)][tt1289401, 43074]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hustle (2019)][tt1298644, 449562]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)][tt1298650, 1865]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Iron Man 3 (2013)][tt1300854, 68721]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)][tt1318514, 61791]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Tomb Raider (2018)][tt1365519, 338970]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [We Bought a Zoo (2011)][tt1389137, 74465]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hunger Games (2012)][tt1392170, 70160]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)][tt1392190, 76341]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [It (2017)][tt1396484, 346364]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Taken 2 (2012)][tt1397280, 82675]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.4|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Happy Feet Two (2011)][tt1402488, 65759]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)][tt1408101, 54138]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)][tt1412386, 74534]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Deadpool (2016)][tt1431045, 293660]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Prometheus (2012)][tt1446714, 70981]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Winnie the Pooh (2011)][tt1449283, 51162]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Bridget Jones's Baby (2016)][tt1473832, 95610]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Greatest Showman (2017)][tt1485796, 316029]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Central Intelligence (2016)][tt1489889, 302699]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Lego Movie (2014)][tt1490017, 137106]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The King's Speech (2010)][tt1504320, 45269]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)][tt1515091, 58574]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Daddy's Home (2015)][tt1528854, 274167]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Captain Phillips (2013)][tt1535109, 109424]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Overboard (2018)][tt1563742, 454619]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Machine Gun Preacher (2011)][tt1586752, 45610]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Commuter (2018)][tt1590193, 399035]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)][tt1606378, 47964]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [A Wrinkle in Time (2018)][tt1620680, 407451]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)][tt1628841, 47933]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)][tt1653665, 418680]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Cinderella (2015)][tt1661199, 150689]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)][tt1667889, 57800]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Absolutely Anything (2015)][tt1727770, 86828]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ender's Game (2013)][tt1731141, 80274]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Tad, the Lost Explorer (2012)][tt1764625, 121734]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)][tt1790809, 166426]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Black Panther (2018)][tt1825683, 284054]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)][tt1843866, 100402]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)][tt1854564, 76285]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)][tt1877832, 127585]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Flight (2012)][tt1907668, 87502]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Thanks for Sharing (2013)][tt1932718, 112200]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)][tt1935859, 283366]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ford v Ferrari (2019)][tt1950186, 359724]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)][tt1951264, 101299]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)][tt1951265, 131631]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015)][tt1951266, 131634]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Tomorrowland (2015)][tt1964418, 158852]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Toy Story 4 (2019)][tt1979376, 301528]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Good Dinosaur (2015)][tt1979388, 105864]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Thor: The Dark World (2013)][tt1981115, 76338]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pitch Perfect (2012)][tt1981677, 114150]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)][tt2015381, 118340]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Non-Stop (2014)][tt2024469, 225574]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [12 Years a Slave (2013)][tt2024544, 76203]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Great Wall (2016)][tt2034800, 311324]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)][tt2103281, 119450]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)][tt2109248, 91314]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Saving Mr. Banks (2013)][tt2140373, 140823]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Monuments Men (2014)][tt2177771, 152760]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Home (2015)][tt2224026, 228161]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Big Hero 6 (2014)][tt2245084, 177572]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)][tt2267968, 140300]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Finding Dory (2016)][tt2277860, 127380]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Minions (2015)][tt2293640, 211672]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Frozen (2013)][tt2294629, 109445]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Sherlock Gnomes (2018)][tt2296777, 370567]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)][tt2310332, 122917]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Alien: Covenant (2017)][tt2316204, 126889]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Mummy (2017)][tt2345759, 282035]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Spectre (2015)][tt2379713, 206647]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Coco (2017)][tt2380307, 354912]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016)][tt2381991, 290595]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)][tt2395427, 99861]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Magnificent Seven (2016)][tt2404435, 333484]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Atomic Blonde (2017)][tt2406566, 341013]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Toy Story of Terror! (2013)][tt2446040, 213121]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Taken 3 (2014)][tt2446042, 260346]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)][tt2488496, 140607]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)][tt2527336, 181808]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)][tt2527338, 181812]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Arrival (2016)][tt2543164, 329865]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)][tt2555736, 268238]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)][tt2567026, 241259]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ben-Hur (2016)][tt2638144, 271969]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Me Before You (2016)][tt2674426, 296096]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)][tt2692250, 181533]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Secret Life of Pets (2016)][tt2709768, 328111]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Beauty and the Beast (2017)][tt2771200, 321612]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pete's Dragon (2016)][tt2788732, 294272]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)][tt2802144, 207703]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Pitch Perfect 2 (2015)][tt2848292, 254470]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Zootopia (2016)][tt2948356, 269149]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Soul (2020)][tt2948372, 508442]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)][tt3014284, 274862]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Jungle Book (2016)][tt3040964, 278927]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Inferno (2016)][tt3062096, 207932]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Artemis Fowl (2020)][tt3089630, 475430]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Sully (2016)][tt3263904, 363676]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Logan (2017)][tt3315342, 263115]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Secret Scripture (2016)][tt3344694, 283591]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Tolkien (2019)][tt3361792, 468224]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)][tt3385516, 246655]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Murder on the Orient Express (2017)][tt3402236, 392044]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ferdinand (2017)][tt3411444, 364689]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)][tt3416828, 278154]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)][tt3450958, 281338]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Despicable Me 3 (2017)][tt3469046, 324852]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Sing (2016)][tt3470600, 335797]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014)][tt3473654, 256835]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Captain America: Civil War (2016)][tt3498820, 271110]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Thor: Ragnarok (2017)][tt3501632, 284053]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Moana (2016)][tt3521164, 277834]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Cars 3 (2017)][tt3606752, 260514]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Incredibles 2 (2018)][tt3606756, 260513]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Martian (2015)][tt3659388, 286217]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The BFG (2016)][tt3691740, 267935]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Underworld: Blood Wars (2016)][tt3717252, 346672]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Kong: Skull Island (2017)][tt3731562, 293167]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)][tt3748528, 330459]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2016)][tt3760922, 302688]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)][tt3778644, 348350]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Dumbo (2019)][tt3861390, 329996]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas (2017)][tt3896102, 452773]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)][tt3896198, 283995]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Lego Batman Movie (2017)][tt4116284, 324849]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)][tt4131800, 335360]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Captain Marvel (2019)][tt4154664, 299537]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Avengers: Infinity War (2018)][tt4154756, 299536]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Avengers: Endgame (2019)][tt4154796, 299534]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Strange Magic (2015)][tt4191054, 302429]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Jason Bourne (2016)][tt4196776, 324668]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)][tt4425200, 324552]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Frozen II (2019)][tt4520988, 330457]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mulan (2020)][tt4566758, 337401]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Christopher Robin (2018)][tt4575576, 420814]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Fate of the Furious (2017)][tt4630562, 337339]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)][tt4649466, 343668]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)][tt4777008, 420809]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mother's Day (2016)][tt4824302, 353069]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Hidden Figures (2016)][tt4846340, 381284]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Amazing Grace (2018)][tt4935462, 356199]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Dunkirk (2017)][tt5013056, 374720]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mary Poppins Returns (2018)][tt5028340, 400650]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Favourite (2018)][tt5083738, 375262]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)][tt5095030, 363088]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Life (2017)][tt5442430, 395992]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Deadpool 2 (2018)][tt5463162, 383498]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018)][tt5523010, 426543]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Shape of Water (2017)][tt5580390, 399055]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Cats (2019)][tt5697572, 536869]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Cold Pursuit (2019)][tt5719748, 438650]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Spies in Disguise (2019)][tt5814534, 431693]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018)][tt5848272, 404368]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Greyhound (2020)][tt6048922, 516486]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Lion King (2019)][tt6105098, 420818]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Aladdin (2019)][tt6139732, 420817]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [The Post (2017)][tt6294822, 446354]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Abominable (2019)][tt6324278, 431580]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Mary and the Witch's Flower (2017)][tt6336356, 430447]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Creed II (2018)][tt6343314, 480530]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Bombshell (2019)][tt6394270, 525661]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Downton Abbey (2019)][tt6398184, 535544]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)][tt6450804, 290859]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Dark Phoenix (2019)][tt6565702, 320288]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Dolittle (2020)][tt6673612, 448119]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Onward (2020)][tt7146812, 508439]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Judy (2019)][tt7549996, 491283]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Red Joan (2018)][tt7615302, 494974]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (2018)][tt8001346, 527729]
2021-3-14 03:31:59.5|Info|MovieService|Deleted movie [Knives Out (2019)][tt8946378, 546554]

I know this is a super long post, but I hope this helps, and I look forward to your next updates.

haijeploeg commented 3 years ago

Hi Kahooli,

Thank you for your hard work on trying this to debug on your end! I will close this issue and answer your questions in the appropiate issues :) Much appreciated πŸ‘