haijeploeg / excludarr

Excludarr manages your libraries in Radarr/Sonarr. It keeps track of your library and checks if your movies and series are also available on a configured streaming provider. It can exclude the movies and series that are available on a configured streaming provider. But it can also re-add movies and series if they are not streaming anymore.
MIT License
194 stars 13 forks source link

No connection adapters were found for '' #83

Open TheXRMonk opened 1 year ago

TheXRMonk commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug trying to run excludarr radarr exclude -a not-monitored

Config seems to be read fine.


  1. OS Version: windows 11
  2. Excludarr version: 1.0.7
  3. Python version: 3.10.10

Debug logging

[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Starting Excludarr v1.0.7
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got radarr as subcommand
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Reading configuration file
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Determining which configfile to use
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Configfile to use: C:\Users\TheMu/.config/excludarr/excludarr.yml
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Reading configfile: C:\Users\TheMu/.config/excludarr/excludarr.yml
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Read the following configuration: {'general': {'fast_search': True, 'locale': 'da_DK', 'providers': ['netflix']}, 'tmdb': {'api_key': '<REDACTED>'}, 'radarr': {'url': '', 'api_key': '<REDACTED>', 'verify_ssl': False, 'exclude': ['']}, 'sonarr': {'url': '', 'api_key': '<REDACTED>', 'verify_ssl': False, 'exclude': ['']}}
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got exclude as subcommand
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for -p, --provider option:
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for -l, --locale option: None
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for -a, --action option: not-monitored
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for -d, --delete option: False
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for -e, --exclusion option: False
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for -y, --yes option: False
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Got CLI values for --progress option: False
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Initializing PyRadarr
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Initializing JustWatch API with locale: da_DK
[2023-02-16 12:00:51] - Getting all the movies from Radarr
 C:\Users\TheMu\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCa │
│ che\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\requests\sessions.py:792 in get_adapter
│   789 │   │   │   │   return adapter                                                             │
│   790 │   │                                                                                      │
│   791 │   │   # Nothing matches :-/                                                              │
│ > 792 │   │   raise InvalidSchema(f"No connection adapters were found for {url!r}")              │
│   793 │                                                                                          │
│   794 │   def close(self):                                                                       │
│   795 │   │   """Closes all adapters and as such the session"""                                  │
│                                                                                                  │
│ ┌──────────────────────────────── locals ────────────────────────────────┐                       │
│ │ adapter = <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter object at 0x00000156D746C1F0> │                       │
│ │  prefix = 'http://'                                                    │                       │
│ │    self = <requests.sessions.Session object at 0x00000156D742B5B0>     │                       │
│ │     url = ''                             │                       │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘                       │
InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for ''