haiku / haikudepotserver

Haiku Depot Server
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Link to latest version of a package for 32 bit packages #238

Closed phw closed 2 years ago

phw commented 2 years ago

I used to link to the latest version of a package with a URL in the form of https://depot.haiku-os.org/{package_name}, e.g. the following link leads to the latest version of the package "picard":


This works well and redirects to the latest version of this package. But I don't seem to be able to link to the 32 bit version of the same package anymore. This used to work:


But not anymore, it now just gives a 404 response with the text "unable to find an entity for; picard_x86". But there is https://depot.haiku-os.org/#!/pkg/picard_x86/haikuports/haikuports_x86_gcc2/2/8/2/-/1/x86_gcc2 , and the shown package name is "picard_x86".

Is this a bug or wrong usage of the URL structure?

andponlin commented 2 years ago

Hi @phw ; Thanks for pointing this out. It is because it is only looking for the default architecture x86_64. At some point in the past the default architecture changed from x86_gcc2 to x86_64 so this is probably the cause. I am currently working through some larger changes, but will try to loop back to this soon.

phw commented 2 years ago

Ok, interesting. But at some point in the past both links worked and ended up on the 64 bit or 32 bit package page.

I don't know when this changed, though.

phw commented 2 years ago

I saw the new version of haikudepotserver has been deployed, and the link is now working again. Thanks a lot for this quick fix!

andponlin commented 2 years ago

Hi @phw ; glad it's working properly now!