Closed seuchoi closed 8 years ago
@jigold What's the status of info score? Thanks!
This has been added as an aggregator: annotatevariants expr -c 'va.infoMetrics = gs.infoScore()'
@tpoterba @cseed @jigold I tested this commend in dataflow, but this does not work.
hail importbgen -s impv1.hail.sample chr21impv1.bgen \ variantqc \ annotatevariants expr -c 'va.infoMetrc = gs.infoScore()' \ exportvariants -c 'Chrom=v.contig,rsID = va.rsid,info=infoScore,Pos=v.start,Ref=v.ref,Alt=v.alt,MAF=va.qc.AF' -o file:///medpop/afib/schoi/projects/ukbb/Result/QC/variantQC.tsv
hail: info: running: importbgen -s impv1.hail.sample chr21impv1.bgen hail: info: Number of BGEN files parsed: 1 hail: info: Number of samples in BGEN files: 152249 hail: info: Number of variants across all BGEN files: 982854 [Stage 0:======================================================>(155 + 1) / 156]hail: info: Coerced almost-sorted dataset hail: info: running: variantqc hail: info: running: annotatevariants expr -c 'va.infoMetrc = gs.infoScore()' hail: fatal: annotatevariants expr: 'no matching signature for 'infoScore()' on 'Aggregable[Genotype]' <input>:1:va.infoMetrc = gs.infoScore()
Thank you
Can you try it again? @cseed updated the JAR file on data flow.
Also, your code is not correct -- should be this:
hail importbgen -s impv1.hail.sample chr21impv1.bgen \ variantqc \ annotatevariants expr -c 'va.infoMetrc = gs.infoScore()' \ exportvariants -c 'Chrom=v.contig,rsID = va.rsid,info= va.infoMetrc.score,Pos=v.start,Ref=v.ref,Alt=v.alt,MAF=va.qc.AF' -o file:///medpop/afib/schoi/projects/ukbb/Result/QC/variantQC.tsv
I think it works :) Thanks!!!
The "score" is the INFO score computed using the IMPUTE method. You'd have to read about the method to understand why negative values are being computed. See the documentation here for more details:
To export only the score, use an expression like this (assuming you have assigned the result of the infoScore()
function to va.infoMetric
exportvariants -c 'Variant = v, infoScore = va.infoMetric.score, nIncluded = va.infoMetric.nIncluded'
I cannot pull out infoScore values from variantqc with my bgen file. Could you please check ? Thank you.