haiwen / seafile-docker

A Docker image for Seafile server
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seafile container exit unexpectly #176

Closed hiwanz closed 4 years ago

hiwanz commented 5 years ago

Using https://docs.seafile.com/d/cb1d3f97106847abbf31/files/?p=/docker/docker-compose.yml to set up containers, and the seafile container failed to start

root@server ~/Seafile# docker-compose up -d
Creating network "seafile_seafile-net" with the default driver
Creating seafile-memcached ... done
Creating seafile-mysql     ... done
Creating seafile           ... done
root@server ~/Seafile# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
faf5a6461737        mariadb:10.1        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   11 seconds ago      Up 9 seconds        3306/tcp            seafile-mysql
4b7cf4a8f480        memcached:1.5.6     "memcached -m 256"       11 seconds ago      Up 9 seconds        11211/tcp           seafile-memcached
root@server ~/Seafile# docker logs -f --since=5m seafile
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_create_data_links.sh...
rm: cannot remove '/var/log/apt': Directory not empty
rm: cannot remove '/var/log/nginx': Directory not empty
*** /etc/my_init.d/01_create_data_links.sh failed with status 1

*** Killing all processes...
renfeipeng commented 4 years ago

You only have information about the failure to start. But I don't know how your deployment environment is, so I can't give useful help. I suggest you refer to this document: https://download.seafile.com/published/seafile-manual/docker/deploy%20seafile%20with%20docker.md

Incidentally, the problem of deployment failure is not recommended to ask questions here. You can go to our community forum for more help: https://forum.seafile.com/