haiwen / seafile-docker

A Docker image for Seafile server
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How to disable memcached? #280

Closed cocowalla closed 5 months ago

cocowalla commented 2 years ago

I've just upgraded a 6.x Seafile install to the latest version, on a server with only 2GB of memory - and so can't afford to run memcached.

I've removed it from my Docker Compose file, but when I run the gc process, I see thousands upon thousands of these lines:

2021-12-10 10:08:17 ../../common/obj-cache.c(111): Failed to set e9e19426-197d-4b8a-9f40-7a506f84b6e9-f3a630b9a15f91e0d31582d14e5b1959340b8643 to memcached: SERVER HAS FAILED AND IS DISABLED UNTIL TIMED RETRY

So at the least, the GC script is expecting memcached to be running - I don't know if maybe other parts of Seafile are too.

Is there a configuration switch I'm missing where I can disable Memcached altogether, so no part of Seafile will try to use it?

dimejo commented 2 years ago

Haven't tried this myself and just guessing but there's an entry for memcached in conf/seahub_settings.py. Maybe removing it helps?

cocowalla commented 2 years ago

Nope, I don't have a memcached or CACHES entry in my seahub settings file at all.