haiwen / seafile-docker

A Docker image for Seafile server
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Incomplete/misleading parts in manual for Seafile-CE docker deployment #355

Closed whowantsmybigdata closed 4 months ago

whowantsmybigdata commented 8 months ago

regarding the official manual:

  1. Isn't the part for setting up seafile-docker with own ssl certs a bit complicated/even unsafe?

I would suggest, mounting the certs from their original position as read-only could be the better way to do. Could also be more safe considering one might not be restrictive enough with permissions for the copied certs in the new location (regarding the manual '/opt/seafile-data/ssl' because that topic is not mentioned at all.

Also the part for how to tell the included nginx in the seafile-container were to look for the certs is missing.

  1. There is no part mentioning what to do if some wants to set an individual port for nginx to listen to (because port 443 or 80 are already in use). I know there is a github issue already which is also kind of solved but its not in the manual.
SkywalkerSpace commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. You can configure volumes in the docker-compose.yml to specify your certs.

      - /opt/seafile-data:/shared
      - /your-cert-path:/shared/ssl/your-cert.crt;
      - /your-key-path:/shared/ssl/your-key.key;

We will add the custom certs and custom ports to the manual as soon as possible.

SkywalkerSpace commented 4 months ago

We have updated the manual. You can configure the custom certs and custom ports by referring to the manual Seafile Admin Manual Seafile Community Installation .