hajimehoshi / ebiten

Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go
Apache License 2.0
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API to adjust FPS #2889

Open erexo opened 7 months ago

erexo commented 7 months ago

Operating System

What feature would you like to be added?

Currently we are able to somewhat limit the FPS by mingling with the SetVsyncEnabled function. The problem I have with this approach is that it accepts boolean, so we are in control of the FPS limiting but our control is limited to two states. What I would really appreciate to see is something like SetMaxFPS which limits the FPS to given value when VSync is disabled.

Why is this needed?

When VSync is off, the game can consume insane amount of processing power which is very inconvenient for a lot of users with older (and newer) PCs. When VSync is on, players sometimes report that the game is laggy and that generally the performance is throttled, this is usually because their Monitor's FPS has invalid configuration on their Windows system (ie. Monitor is 144hz and Windows states that it's 60hz). Usually a quick reconfiguration of player's system settings helps, but I encounter this problem over and over and I can't tell how many people just left the game in silence It would be much much easier for me as a developer to just limit the FPS to 140 in code, so that despite the Monitor settings user will have a smooth experience that is not killing his machine at the same time.

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

Adjusting FPS from program is impossible so I don't think I'll introduce this feature.

Have you tried SetScreenClearedEveryFrame(false) + vsync off? This could save CPU and GPU consumption.

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago
func main() {
    if err := ebiten.RunGame(&Game{}); err != nil {

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
    now := time.Now()
    if now.Sub(g.lastRender) < time.Second / 60 {
    g.lastRender = now

    // ...
erexo commented 7 months ago

yes I did try something similar long time ago, but then when the vsync was off, the FPS (number of the actual Draw calls) was gigantic and the CPU was still terribly devastated.

It looks like the ebitengine with vsync off is trying it's best to squeeze every ounce of processing power that it can grab, no matter what's happening inside the Draw function

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

yes I did try something similar long time ago, but then when the vsync was off, the FPS (number of the actual Draw calls) was gigantic and the CPU was still terribly devastated.

Try this with the latest Ebitengine now. This should suppress CPU usages as long as Draw returns immediately.


hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

Now I tested this

package main

import (


type Game struct {
    once sync.Once

func (g *Game) Update() error {
    return nil

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {

func (g *Game) Layout(width, height int) (int, int) {
    return width, height

func main() {
    if err := ebiten.RunGame(&Game{}); err != nil {

On Windows, the CPU usage was about 50%, which was not expected. This is a bug and I'll try to fix this.

On macOS, the CPU usage was less than 5%.

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

@erexo Please try v2.6 (256d40363bf1a331ffd1c6f391792a90507991a3) or main (8551cd350f287387b62f47b0a67594751add2ea8), thanks

erexo commented 7 months ago

it works a lot better now, good job! one thing I've noticed is that the ebiten.ActualFPS() doesn't seems to follow actual meaningful Draw calls, does it mean that the swaps are still happening when they shouldn't?

package main

import (


const FPS = 10 // change_me

func main() {
    if err := ebiten.RunGame(&Game{}); err != nil {

type Game struct {
    lastRender   time.Time
    lastFpsCheck time.Time
    lastRealFps  int
    realFps      int

func (g *Game) Update() error {
    return nil

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
    now := time.Now()
    if now.Sub(g.lastRender) < time.Second/FPS {
    if now.Sub(g.lastFpsCheck) > time.Second {
        g.lastRealFps = g.realFps
        g.realFps = 0
        g.lastFpsCheck = now

    g.lastRender = now

    ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen, fmt.Sprintf("Desired FPS: %v\nReal FPS: %v\n\nFPS: %v\nTPS: %v", FPS, g.lastRealFps, ebiten.ActualFPS(), ebiten.ActualTPS()))

func (g *Game) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (screenWidth, screenHeight int) {
    return outsideWidth, outsideHeight

Please try to run this code, on my machine when I set the FPS to 10, my ActualFPS is closer to around 80 (on previous versions of ebitengine swaps could be as high as 4k+ per second so we already have a massive upgrade)

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

This method doesn' affect the actual FPS (i.e. how many times Draw is called per second), so ActualFPS would be useless, which is expected. However, the actual Draw implementation after if now.Sub(g.lastFpsCheck) > time.Second { should be processed as you expected.

erexo commented 7 months ago

and for some weird reason the "real fps" seems to be incorrect as well at higher framerate 🤔 you have any idea why? image

edit: it looks like when we exit Draw immediately a few (3) times in a row, then there is a sleep for 30ms, and that results in max FPS set at 33 with this method enabled, are my observations correct?

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
    now := time.Now()
    if now.Sub(g.lastRender) < time.Millisecond {

    fmt.Println("pass after", now.Sub(g.lastRender))
    g.lastRender = now


the result on my machine:

pass after 30.321ms
3x skip
pass after 31.4053ms
3x skip
pass after 32.1455ms

Try this one, 1ms of wait time will result usually result in 30ms delay between frames. If you remove the if statement then the Draw will be called a lot faster.

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

Sure, I'll take a look tomorrow.

g.lastRealFps = g.realFps

I guess this calculation can be more accurate by multiplying by time.Second / now.Sub(g.lastFpsCheck)

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

I tested this program based on your program:

package main

import (


const FPS = 10 // change_me

func main() {
    if err := ebiten.RunGame(&Game{}); err != nil {

type Game struct {
    lastRender   time.Time
    lastFpsCheck time.Time
    lastRealFps  float64
    realFps      int

func (g *Game) Update() error {
    return nil

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
    now := time.Now()
    if now.Sub(g.lastRender) < time.Second/FPS {
    if delta := now.Sub(g.lastFpsCheck); delta > time.Second {
        g.lastRealFps = float64(g.realFps) * float64(time.Second) / float64(delta)
        g.realFps = 0
        g.lastFpsCheck = now

    g.lastRender = now

    ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen, fmt.Sprintf("Desired FPS: %v\nReal FPS: %v\n\nFPS: %v\nTPS: %v", FPS, g.lastRealFps, ebiten.ActualFPS(), ebiten.ActualTPS()))

func (g *Game) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (screenWidth, screenHeight int) {
    return outsideWidth, outsideHeight

The result was about 8-9 real FPS.

Try this one, 1ms of wait time will result usually result in 30ms delay between frames. If you remove the if statement then the Draw will be called a lot faster.

I also tried this, and I could reproduce the 30ms things. My guess is that Windows sleeping timer is not so accurate as we expect unfortunately... This results seems to have a contradition with the previous experiment result (8-9 FPS), so I'll investigate more.

erexo commented 7 months ago

I can confirm that your program outputs around 8 Real FPS at FPS set to 10. But when you set the FPS to anything over 33, the Real FPS will stay at 30-33 due to previously mentioned 30ms delay between actual frames image

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

This results seems to have a contradition with the previous experiment result (8-9 FPS), so I'll investigate more.

OK I think this is not a contradition. (Real) FPS means the average Draw count per second, while there can be a big gap between two Draw calls.

And, I found that the timer precision on Windows is pretty bad, and the smallest sleeping time was about 16[ms] unfortunately. This means that we cannot reach over 60FPS in this way. (Also, this means Ebitengine would not be able to implement good FPS adjustment). Sigh...

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

@erexo Can other game engines adjust FPS by the way?

erexo commented 7 months ago

of course, my previous game client could do that https://github.com/edubart/otclient/blob/e6861d79c90d1808bde3fd41d30b6458d1616bfe/src/framework/core/graphicalapplication.cpp#L198

I do however understand that this isn't that big of an issue and that it may be painful to implement, so please don't bother too much about it

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

Note for myself: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/44343

hajimehoshi commented 7 months ago

@erexo Try the main branch (7e4cdf5211ca57623bd4c8e30e05e14a525bcbb0). This is not a perfect solution and FPS might not reach to 60, but this should be better than before. In order to emulate higher FPS, we need shorter sleeping, which means more CPU consumption. I don't plan to backport this change as this is a little risky. Thanks!