hakimel / reveal.js

The HTML Presentation Framework
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URL encoding #1714

Open JOduMonT opened 8 years ago

JOduMonT commented 8 years ago

Hi Hakim; it's not a big deal and i'm not sure we could call that an issue but I try to use French Word with accent into

section id="Vérité"

without success..
I tried all those variante too

section id="V%C3%A9rit%C3%A9" section id="V%E9rit%E9" section id="Vérité" section id="Vérité"

I'd follow and try what they explain here http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp and Firefox and Chrome don't convert it.

Do you know why and/or how to do it ? :)

Congrats for your nice works!

jdalton commented 8 years ago

Something like Lodash's _.deburr may help (available as a standalone pkg too)

// => "Verite"
majuscule commented 8 years ago

Alternatively, punycode is arguably more "correct" handling, though less user friendly.