hakimel / reveal.js

The HTML Presentation Framework
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Pluggable syntax highlighter #3587

Open amannn opened 3 months ago

amannn commented 3 months ago

My apologies if this is already possible, but any chance that highlight.js could be replaced by an alternative syntax highlighter like Shiki with some configuration?

highlight.js doesn't support React/JSX properly, given the popularity of React this is quite limiting in my experience.

Thank you for your help!

hakimel commented 3 months ago

Shiki looks really great.

It's not possible to swap highlight libs in the syntax highlight plugin that's included in this repo.

The best way to add a Shiki highlighter would be as a new reveal.js plugin. Considering how important syntax highlighting is to many reveal.js users, I think this new plugin could be included within the main reveal.js repo. Not something I have time to work on right now but will consider it :)