hakimel / reveal.js

The HTML Presentation Framework
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Cannot have notes for each section with auto-animate in markdown #3643

Open this-josh opened 2 weeks ago

this-josh commented 2 weeks ago

I'm writing my presentation in markdown, but for some slides I'm using the HTML syntax. I've got my notes plugin setup and it works fine, but I cannot have notes on more that one slide with auto-animate.

An example


<section data-auto-animate>

<section data-auto-animate>
<p>Go meow</p>

- Make sound

<section data-auto-animate>
<p>Go meow</p>
<p>Dogs don't</p>

- Go woof


Is there a suggested way to add notes to auto-animated slides? data-notes="Something important" works but isn't nice for longer notes.

I'm adding this as a bug as I don't believe this is intended behaviour

Browser: Arc Version 1.47.0 (50866)-RC Chromium Engine Version 126.0.6478.36

and Safari Version 17.5 (19618.

this-josh commented 2 weeks ago

Correction <aside class="notes"> does work. I'll leave this open though as the use of Note: doesn't seem quite right