Thanks for your help, since the CUDA merge update, I get the following error when merging multiple Lora's with no proper result.
This is also the case when merging using the CPU.
ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26
ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26
ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26
ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26
お世話になります。CUDAマージのアップデート以降、複数のLoraをマージする際に以下のエラーが発生してまともな結果になりません。 Thanks for your help, since the CUDA merge update, I get the following error when merging multiple Lora's with no proper result. これはCPUを利用してマージした際も同じです。 This is also the case when merging using the CPU.
ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26 ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26 ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26 ERROR,Number of Blocks must be 12,17,20,26