halaei / bredis

Redis queue driver for Laravel < 5.6 with blocking pop support (this is ported to laravel 5.6 core)
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Implement brpoplpush #2

Open francislavoie opened 6 years ago

francislavoie commented 6 years ago

So I saw you wrote up https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/23057

I wanted to say thanks for your work in pushing for blocking pops in Laravel, non-blocking is so slow it hurts!

Any chance you'll port the changes from your PR into this lib? I think it would be nice as a shim for people who will be staying on Laravel 5.5 for the forseeable future (since it's LTS). I'm already using bredis for now because I find it pretty much unusably slow with non-blocking.

halaei commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your interest. 5.6 is released so probably my PR is getting rejected due to the change in the direction of push & pop. So I might work on it in this repository anyway.

francislavoie commented 6 years ago

Just wanted to bump this again, since #23057 got closed. Maybe you could port it here? That'd be awesome!