HI, I would like to express my admiration and gratitude towards your work. I have been using your code posted on GitHub and have been extremely impressed with your efforts.
I find I question about Optimizer::PoseOptimizationFlow2 inTrack(). I find that you use create the same type of edge g2o::EdgeSE3ProjectFlow2() in both dealing with static features and objects.
However, it seems like you ignore the object feature motion in this part. Could you please explain this.
Certainly, please do correct me if I'm wrong.
HI, I would like to express my admiration and gratitude towards your work. I have been using your code posted on GitHub and have been extremely impressed with your efforts.
I find I question about Optimizer::PoseOptimizationFlow2 inTrack(). I find that you use create the same type of edge g2o::EdgeSE3ProjectFlow2() in both dealing with static features and objects.
However, it seems like you ignore the object feature motion in this part. Could you please explain this. Certainly, please do correct me if I'm wrong.