halasadi / ancient-structure

w/ Kushal
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Incorporate sample size error #10

Closed halasadi closed 9 years ago

halasadi commented 9 years ago

Small samples (as typical with ancient DNA) give noisy estimates of the ancient allele frequencies. So we'd like to incorporate a fixed effect error to accommodate small sample sizes. The error is roughly f(1-f)/n where f is the frequency and n is the sample size. Since it is fixed effect, we can still use a similar EM update as Skotte et al 2013.

In our case, the Loscbour ancestral allele frequency is estimated from only one individual so we know that this is a major concern in our analysis.

halasadi commented 9 years ago

We've implemented this correction and it works well! See: https://github.com/halasadi/ancient-structure/blob/master/docs/issue10.pdf