halayli / lthread

lthread, a multicore enabled coroutine library written in C
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Completion of error handling #12

Closed elfring closed 12 years ago

elfring commented 12 years ago

I have looked at a few source files for your current software. I have noticed that some checks for return codes are missing.

Would you like to add more error handling for return values from functions like the following?

halayli commented 12 years ago

There is nothing lthread can do if close failed.

pthread_once will not fail since once_control & init_routine are always valid.

elfring commented 12 years ago

It will not be noticed that something unexpected went wrong if the return value is not checked after every function call. How do you think about the reaction "exit(errno)" or "abort()"?

halayli commented 12 years ago

I understand that. If close() failed there is nothing that needs to be done the it's safe to resume.

pthread_once will not fail and there is no need to check the return value. it's like checking 1+1 == 2 to make sure that 1+1 will always sum up to 2.

elfring commented 12 years ago

I see a general failure potential between the places of passing usually appropriate parameters and the processing for these values.

Function calls like "pthread_setspecific" and "pthread_mutex_unlock" are also similar update candidates if you care for complete exception handling.

halayli commented 12 years ago

pthread_setspecific needs to be checked, agreed.

pthread_mutex_unlock is guaranteed not to fail since it locks/unlocks in the same thread.

elfring commented 12 years ago

Would you like to take the probability into account that other threads might damage the data that was accurately passed? Are you concerned about effects from undesired buffer overflows?

How do you think about worries for occasional bit flipping?

halayli commented 12 years ago

At this point all bets are off. No checking in the world will save you from undefined behavior and corrupted memory.

elfring commented 12 years ago

I suggest to continue with checking of invariants for improved software correctness.

halayli commented 12 years ago

You check invariants when necessarily. There is no point in rechecking invariants every time, or at times when the invariant is guaranteed to be true. This can create the illusion of software correctness but has no added value.

elfring commented 12 years ago

The detection of a violated invariant gives you the opportunity to take a selected action instead of later effects from ignorance of implementation details.

Would you like to reduce the manual efforts for error code checking? How do you think about to encapsulate such issues as aspects?

halayli commented 12 years ago

I know that. I check return values when necessary only. Rechecking invariants has no value.

elfring commented 12 years ago

Would you like to detect every error situation as early as possible?

halayli commented 12 years ago

I would like to detect every error situation that can happen as early as possible.

elfring commented 12 years ago

You can let each return value acknowledge that a called function was executed in the way you expect here. I find that there is really no need to ignore error codes in most situations.

halayli commented 12 years ago

I only ignore return values when the success or failure of the call doesn't matter or when it's guaranteed to succeed in defined conditions.

Either way feel free to submit patches.

elfring commented 12 years ago

I find that you expect a bit too much about low failure rates for the huge variety of execution environments. How do you think about the approach "defensive programming" for your software library?

Would you like to reduce the efforts for error code checking by an exception class hierarchy?

Are there any chances to cooperate with a tool like "AspectC++"?

halayli commented 12 years ago

It's not about failure rates, it's about handling the failures that needs to be handled and figuring out if it's ok to resume or abort. If you have:

int x = 1 + 1;

Do you check if x == 2 before you continue?

Defensive programming is not about checking every call's return value or not. It's about assuming that things can & will fail and knowing how to recover from them. However, there are calls that will not fail when passed the right arguments. If the arguments are guaranteed to be passed right then there's no point in checking the return value.

Don't take what you read in standards too literally and apply it everywhere. It's a good exercise to have your own judgement process.

lthread is written in C so I am not sure why you are suggesting C++ tools.

If you feel that you can improve something, please submit a patch.

elfring commented 12 years ago

I would not check the example value once more with the shown literal usually. But I would try to ensure that such a computation result will be reused for further processing (which also includes conditional expressions).

I suggest to reuse C++ tools for the following reasons.