halbgut / rss-o-bot

A FOSS RSS Bot alternative
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Suggestion. #5

Open mytelegrambot opened 7 years ago

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago

https://telegram.me/ReadermanBot https://github.com/mooyoul/telegrambot-readerman

https://i.imgur.com/DdeTKiN.png https://i.imgur.com/PI91DQf.png

I do not know how to install it in synology, so I am using store bot. But, now the bot commands do not work. I just get feeds.


What do you think about hide url? I am using a long rss url. It is incredibly long.

ps. PM 6:01 ReadermanBot has three feeds at the same time. But, rss-o-bot is one feed at the same time.

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago


The title text is broken. Character encoding issues? I'm not sure, but so rss-o-bot did not feed.

ReadermanBot did feed.

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago

Please check for consecutive feeds at the same time.

rss-o-bot add https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/releases.atom

It is youtube-dl. I do not know why, but ReadermanBot feeding the last post continuously when the version of youtube-dl is updated.

I do not know if it is a readermanbot error or a github error.

rss-o-bot do not feed.

rss-o-bot add https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget/commits/develop.atom

https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget/commit/e74572c08d91db75fcb42c04ded8c6aab2a309bc https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget/commit/1b473f6496b9d94f035a6952453ed45c5e6dd5c1

FlexGet commit feeds twice every time it is updated. rss-o-bot just last one feed.

halbgut commented 7 years ago

Please check for consecutive feeds at the same time.

I'll check that out. Actually I implemented a test for that exact case, but in that case the error must happen in a component not covered by the test 😅.

halbgut commented 7 years ago

What do you think about hide url?

Great idea, I search the Telegram API documentation for a feature that would allow this yesterday but didn't find anything. I'll have another look tonight and check out how ReadermanBot does it. Thanks for the tip! :)

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago


rss-o-bot add https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget/commits/develop.atom


FlexGet commit feeds twice every time it is updated.
rss-o-bot just last one feed.

It is resolved. thanks. Good.


The title text is broken. Character encoding issues?
I'm not sure, but so rss-o-bot did not feed.

2cpu, ������ ���۵Ǵ� ��! > 2CPU > NAS │ http://2cpu.co.kr/bbs/rss.php?bo_table=nas

check please.

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure.


Is it hide url option?

halbgut commented 7 years ago

[...] http://2cpu.co.kr/bbs/rss.php?bo_table=nas [...]

Thanks for the report. I fixed the encoding issue in the commit above. I'll release the fix this evening (UTC-1).

Is it hide url option?

Yeah that would work. I initially tried to use it. It didn't work and I didn't want to put to much work into the telegram notifier, so I just left it as it is. I tried again. No success. This time I put a bit more time into it. It seems to be an issue with the Telegram API wrapper module I'm using (tg-yarl). I thought this to be unlikely, since the API is so trivial. I'll try fixing the issue in tg-yarl this weekend. If that doesn't work I'll just remove tg-yarl and make the requests myself.

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago

hide url is not important.

I am fully satisfied with the current function. thanks.

mytelegrambot commented 7 years ago
 rss-o-bot add http://2cpu.co.kr/bbs/rss.php?bo_table=nas
      var body = Buffer.from([]);

TypeError: this is not a typed array.
    at Function.from (native)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rss-o-bot/dist/lib/shared/poll.js:47:25)
    at ClientRequest.g (events.js:260:16)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (_http_client.js:419:21)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:103:23)
    at Socket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:309:20)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:153:18)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:111:10)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:531:20)
2cpu, ������ ���۵Ǵ� ��! > 2CPU > NAS │ http://2cpu.co.kr/bbs/rss.php?bo_table=nas

It same broken. and add error.