halbritter-lab / adpkd-risk

A Vue.js app for calculating and visualizing Mayo and PROPKD scores to assess risk in ADPKD patients. Built with Vuetify, Chart.js, and Vite for interactive data visualization.
MIT License
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feat: make the ADPKD Risk Calculator a progressive web app #16

Open berntpopp opened 1 month ago

berntpopp commented 1 month ago

Description: Convert the ADPKD Risk Calculator into a progressive web app (PWA) to improve user experience. This will allow users to install the app and use it offline.

Acceptance Criteria:

berntpopp commented 1 month ago

Implementation Plan for Converting ADPKD Risk Calculator into a PWA

To address the issue of converting the ADPKD Risk Calculator into a Progressive Web App (PWA), the following implementation plan will be followed:

1. Install Required Dependencies

We will install the necessary dependencies for PWA functionality using vite-plugin-pwa and asset generation with @vite-pwa/assets-generator.

2. Configure PWA in vite.config.js

We will modify the vite.config.js file to include vite-plugin-pwa and set up basic configurations like registerType and workbox.

```js import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'

export default defineConfig({ base: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/adpkd-risk/' : '/', plugins: [ vue(), VitePWA({ registerType: 'autoUpdate', manifest: { name: 'ADPKD Risk Calculator', short_name: 'RiskCalc', description: 'A tool to calculate ADPKD risk scores.', icons: [ { src: 'pwa-64x64.png', sizes: '64x64', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'pwa-192x192.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, { src: 'pwa-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png', purpose: 'any' }, { src: 'maskable-icon-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png', purpose: 'maskable' } ], theme_color: '#ffffff', background_color: '#ffffff', display: 'standalone', start_url: '/', scope: '/', }, workbox: { clientsClaim: true, skipWaiting: true }, devOptions: { enabled: true // Enable in dev for testing } }) ] }) ```

3. Set Up Icon Generation with @vite-pwa/assets-generator

We will create a pwa-assets.config.js file in the root of the project to define the icons generation. This will allow us to generate all required icons from a single source image.

```js import { defineConfig, minimalPreset as preset } from '@vite-pwa/assets-generator/config'

export default defineConfig({ preset, images: [ 'public/logo.svg' // Replace this with the actual source image path ] }) ```

```json { "scripts": { "generate-pwa-assets": "pwa-assets-generator" } } ```

Run the following command to generate all required icons:

``` npm run generate-pwa-assets ```

4. Update index.html with Favicon and Icons

In the index.html file, add the required <link> tags for favicons and PWA icons:



5. Register the Service Worker

We will create a registerServiceWorker.js file and ensure the service worker is registered for handling offline caching and updates.

```js import { register } from 'register-service-worker'

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { register(${process.env.BASE_URL}service-worker.js, { ready () { console.log('App is ready to be served offline.') }, registered () { console.log('Service worker has been registered.') }, cached () { console.log('Content is cached for offline use.') }, updatefound () { console.log('New content is downloading.') }, updated () { console.log('New content is available; please refresh.') window.location.reload(true) // Force refresh to apply new content }, offline () { console.log('No internet connection. Running in offline mode.') }, error (error) { console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error) } }) } ```

6. Testing the PWA

To test the PWA functionality:

7. Acceptance Criteria