halbritter-lab / kidney-genetics

Kidney-Genetics - database of kidney-related genes
MIT License
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Manual curation effort workflow #25

Open berntpopp opened 7 months ago

berntpopp commented 7 months ago


--> use MONDO (not OMIM or Orphanet) as primary disease ontology in the manual curation effort --> shorten the process if actionable: Genes associated with a single published disease entity should only be curated for that condition (i.e. lumped) unless there are indications to split specific phenotypic features of a syndrome or variable phenotype into separate curation(s)

Scoring logic:

  1. DEFINITIVE: 12-18 points; Replication over time!?
  2. MODERATE: 7-11.99 points
  3. LIMITED: 0.1-6.99 points
  4. NO KNOWN RELATION: 0 points; contradictory evidence

--> access the curation strategy sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KS9G2YR9U6uheu0zC-7zvMaSWCZv7UeVYh69BrkQK8M/edit#gid=0