halelab / GBS-SNP-CROP

GBS SNP Calling Reference Optional Pipeline
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Get zero bytes of L001_R1parsed.merged.fq.gz after step 2 #22

Closed SHU-YUN closed 5 years ago

SHU-YUN commented 5 years ago

Dear, Thanks for the tutorial and data you prepared. It works very well in step 1, however, I stuck in Step 2 with the dataset from step1. All files and folders from step 1 are good. But I got zero bytes of file "L001_R1parsed.merged.fq.gz" and only 20 bytes of file "L001_SE_R1parsed.fq.gz" The version of trimmomatic I applied is 0.39. All scripts are ran under Mac system.

Following is the script I used: perl /Users/shu-yunchen/Desktop/GBS/SNP_detection/GBS_SNP_CROP_master_test_20190902/GBS-SNP-CROP-scripts/v.4.0/GBS-SNP-CROP-2.pl -tm /Users/shu-yunchen/Desktop/GBS/SNP_detection/GBS_SNP_CROP_master_test_20190902/Tutorial_Data/trimmomatic-0.39.jar -d SE -fq L001 -t 10 -ph 33 -ad /Users/shu-yunchen/Desktop/GBS/SNP_detection/GBS_SNP_CROP_master_test_20190902/Tutorial_Data/TruSeq3-SE.fa:2:30:10 -l 30 -sl 4:30 -tr 30 -m 32

And the result I got as followed:


GBS-SNP-CROP, Step 2, v.4.0

################################# Trimming Single-End reads ...

Concatenating library L001 reads ... cat: L001*R1parsed.fq.gz: No such file or directory DONE. Trimmomatic single-end reads cleanning/trimming initiated...

TrimmomaticSE: Started with arguments: -phred33 -threads 10 L001_R1parsed.merged.fq.gz L001_SE_R1parsed.fq.gz MINLEN:32 ILLUMINACLIP:/Users/shu-yunchen/Desktop/GBS/SNP_detection/GBS_SNP_CROP_master_test_20190902/Tutorial_Data/TruSeq3-SE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:30 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 TRAILING:30 MINLEN:32 Using Long Clipping Sequence: 'AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGTA' Using Long Clipping Sequence: 'AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCAC' ILLUMINACLIP: Using 0 prefix pairs, 2 forward/reverse sequences, 0 forward only sequences, 0 reverse only sequences Input Reads: 0 Surviving: 0 (�%) Dropped: 0 (�%) TrimmomaticSE: Completed successfully

There are not reads be input into the analysis, to confirm the ability of Trimmomatic, I tried to use Trimmomatic directly and it worked well with 500000 reads as input. Would you please give me some suggestion to solve the problem?

Best, Shu-Yun