half-potato / nmf

Our method takes as input a collection of images (100 in our experiments) with known cameras, and outputs the volumetric density and normals, materials (BRDFs), and far-field illumination (environment map) of the scene.
MIT License
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Image downsampling bug #9

Open gkouros opened 11 months ago

gkouros commented 11 months ago

The bug occurs when parameter downsample is set to >1 and it is located on the following line: https://github.com/half-potato/nmf/blob/3ef13e798a27e8c06d6186b87b0354044faad050/dataLoader/blender.py#L162C1-L163C1

To solve it the image should be read with Pillow (uncomment line 158 + comment out line 159) to be able to use the resize operation with the argument Image.LANCZOS. Otherwise, the argument should be removed since it's undefined for the resize function of numpy arrays.